How Do Aquarelle Artists
Really See?
Really See?
Art Monday Series
Post 18
Within the larger picture of documenting my process of fine art brand creation, there are a plethora of fine processes that are taking place, being created, distilled and perfected. Refinement is the key to the art of finest living, and it is synonymous with life long dedication to learning and improvement. Starting and focusing of self, of course – and the clearer and more aligned that purpose gets – then radiating light in every direction.
Few of the aspects within the particular and specific calling we feel – deserve our special attention and can be elevated to the highest levels imaginable. There are no limits really how far that can be perfected, only allowing ourselves the freedom to explore and remain fully immersed in our passion.
This is an unapologetic view into the soul of the visual fine artist, an aquarelle painter – to be precise. The medium of pure watercolour is not the easiest to master. Having chosen to use the exact word ‘mastering’ – I know want to underline that each and every one of us gets to define our own standard and meaning, as well as the measure of success. These are deeply personal and, in the art (as it is the case in life), each one of us can only compare to the previous version of ourselves and not one another. When I say mastering – that involves, firstly, an element of choice, or acceptance of something as our calling – and secondly, applying ourselves fully to the process of learning, or indeed perfecting.
We will presume that one always wants to give their full attention and awareness to their art, in order to produce more satisfaction and joy during the creative process. In our highest state of energy, we feel inspired and connected with the source inside us, knowing, on a deeper level, that we are in those moments co-creating with the universe itself. Within that feeling, the artist is closest to the divine inside us – and for that feeling – there are no words, only pure joy.
One of the most interesting aspects to observe is the way that artists see - their inner vision that is guiding the entire creation. They are acutely sensitive of colours and tones and within each colour, they observe a range of distinct qualities, from light to dark – and from warm to cold. Artist has the opportunity and the license to accent the beauty and create something delicate and sophisticated. Artist can employ imagination to capture the grace, and then trigger the imagination of the viewer to blur and completely erase the boundary between their souls. And that is not so much the intention as the effect of any great art.
The purer and closer to their own heart, the artist’s hand directly teaches the observer to reach deeper within their own soul.
P.S. Sharing with you today behind the scenes view into an early stage of my latest work. As this is a part of the new collection of aquarelle paintings that I am working on, I cannot show you more of it, but rest assured that I am documenting the entire process and will make it available to you after the launch. To stay in the know and be invited to the exclusive preview party – follow this link and subscribe now.
* * * * The Exclusive Update – 317 Days to Dream * * * *
What did I tell you about favourite days? Monday had always been truly my day! Today was no exception, as I was grateful to dedicate it solely to painting. The dynamic of having longer uninterrupted time for one task is proving to be my most productive time management. I can really move the needle and see the difference, whereas one to two hours is nothing when you have to spend 20 minutes of analysing the details before you can mix colours and actually start painting. Painting is a multi-layered process that is not so much time consuming as it is deeply involving every aspect of one’s being. It’s the best place for meditation and quieting thoughts.
The home challenge will also see the benefit of these longer hours per day in the coming days. All will be recorded here, my friend.
The feeling of the day is bliss. Of course, this doesn’t surprise you any more than it does me. For me, painting equals joy, equals who I am, equals everything that I need at any moment in time.
Still keeping to the inspiration to guide where I will focus my energy and that feels the right thing to do at this time. 365 Days to Dream is a challenge like no other, which allows for the work on every aspect of me and every aspect of Indigo & Verdigris, as well as every aspect of my home renovation project to take place alongside each other. I feel their connection and the necessity to keep them close-knit as we move forward.
I would love to hear how you are doing, my friend? How is life unfolding for you? Do you find anything particularly challenging at the moment? Please remember that you always have a special place in my heart and all you need to do is drop me a line and I will figure out a way for us to reconnect. I hope you are finding these posts useful and that they are inspiring you to take a closer look at your dreams and start thinking how can you go after them.
Remember – You Are Safe Here
This is the sacred place between our souls. Thank you for sharing your visions, dreams and ideas. Your courage to be vulnerably seen will always be respected, and you will be treated with nothing but kindness and compassion. ♡
P.S. One to pin and save for later? You're welcome!
P.S. One to pin and save for later? You're welcome!
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