How Deep is Your Calm
When you are present in gratitude, you cannot be anywhere else.
Jay Shetty
Jay Shetty
Post written by Katarina Miletic Join my Inner Circle
Something tells me that the candle with the name Calm on it, however soothing its scent may be – is not going to cut it as the saving grace we need.
The deeper we go, the calmer it gets, my friend. If you missed Friday’s post, called Ocean’s Poem, please go to it now, right here.
I am going to invite you to explore silence today. To switch off the news, and by all means – if dear friends and family pop into your heart and mind, do call them. Reach out and have a real conversation, remind yourself what a real relationship is like, not these soundbites and scorching, twisted and harmful messages you expose yourself to by being connected to any mainstream media. Decide to switch off the fear. I assure you and promise you nothing bad will happen, only good will come from it.
Silence will give you the perfect groundwork for being able to reach deeper. Put aside for the moment what you believe or don’t believe. If you haven’t reminded yourself lately, you are not just your thoughts. Your mind is just a small part of the real you. And you are not your body. Both of those are your vessel, your vehicle to travel through this lifetime, and you should respect them, love them and know them. But, my friend – they are not you. Beneath the surface, the big, light and beautiful soul – an image of pure love – resides inside you. THAT is who you are. And everything that you allow to take you away from that – will only be a substitute to the real thing. You are able to fully live only when you are fully connected with who you are, with the source of love inside you – inside the body and mind that you think as the whole of you.
How do you approach it? Gently and quietly. With forgiveness and love. Imagine you are seeing your younger self, when you were three years old. You will not feel resentment, anger and disappointment with you – but immense and overwhelming love will pour out of you. You wouldn’t be able to hold that love back from yourself the way you may be doing now. Your soul knows only love and it is not capable of anything less, no more a child of three is. Just pure love.
Are you beginning to see how pointless not forgiving yourself is? It’s that hard approach that you are taking with yourself that is blocking everything else that could and would be going right in your life experiences. Don’t misunderstand these words. Assuming the absolute personal responsibility will set you free (and at the same time will free all other people in your life), but forgiving yourself means simply allowing love to flood all of you. I am talking about you loving you. Unless you’re there – you won’t be able to truly see anyone else for who they are. They will not be able to bring value to you and you will not be able to bring value to them – like you can. That can only happen from your place of connection. Connection with you deep inside you.
And the deeper you go, the calmer it gets. Candles are really nice, but they are not going to get you there. You will need to free yourself from pain you have been carrying around. And trust that the connection with other souls, with our oneness is a natural thing. I don’t even need to tell you how important that is, but it is broken and close to impossible when we are wonky with ourselves.
Are you able to take the free dive into your soul today? I pray for you to move away from the surface, because that will always be the most volatile and dangerous place to be. Unless, you are deeply rooted in unwavering knowing of who you are and how deep and wide your foundation is. Then, you will not only be truly happy and centred, but you will be able to be the light and the safe harbour for all who are lost in these turbulent and dark waters. Stay wild and true to your heart.
* * * * The Update – 345 Days to Dream * * * *
Isn’t it interesting how days of the week had a different meaning when I was employed to work for someone else’s dream instead of my own? I didn’t much like Sundays – and it had nothing to do with the fact that it was and always will be a family and friends day, outdoor, nature, sunshine, rain, connection with God and with each other, and some of my personal best memories – but, because I knew what was coming next…. The new week was imminent and caused great aversion which spilled into Sunday. It’s so blurry and faint that image now. I am only mentioning it because I was just standing in my garden and enjoying another glorious day of being fully present. I am grateful for each day has the meaning upon meaning and the gift inside the gift – I equally look forward and enjoy every one of them. And the only difference between them is their name. My joy is constant now and it doesn’t depend on the day of the week, nor anything of that nature any more. (Or ever again….)
Productive day within creative energy. Perfect day to release the new – can you believe, feel free to be as surprised as I am – fourth episode of This is Your Moment podcast. It’s live, go listen, my friend. Click here now. It’s called When One Challenge is Not Enough. I do know you will enjoy it.
Elsewhere it’s a day for planning – one week ahead, not going too far. Some connected directly with my 365 Days to Dream home renovation project, but also I have done some reading and research as Indigo & Verdigris is mostly designed to be internet based – that is a blessing in disguise. My intention was always to empower home owners to take up the challenge of designing their dream, with the close safety net of being able to consult with the professional designer every step of the way, for a smooth transition from their vision to their reality. Want to know more - head to Indigo & Verdigris and drop me a question there if you wish.
Feeling of the day is calm, if you haven’t guessed it yet. Oh, I am sure you knew that, my friend! I am so grateful that I have this challenge (and others) to focus on during the time we live in right now. By the time I complete everything on my daily list, there is no time left to divide my energy or focus on anything that wouldn’t be helpful to me, or you.
I was never too big on detailed planning for tomorrow, although I very much appreciate that having an end goal and moving forward towards it is the best way to go. Having said that, I am hosting a live Art Class on Tuesday 31 March, via ZOOM. I am going to post a photo with information below. If you are interested, best way is to contact me with your email and I will send you an invitation. And stay tuned for much more to come.
Remember – You Are Safe Here
This is the sacred place between our souls. Thank you for sharing your visions, dreams and ideas. Your courage to be vulnerably seen will always be respected, and you will be treated with nothing but kindness and compassion. ♡
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