Soul in Bliss
This animal is very bad; when attacked it defends itself.
Théodore P.K.
Théodore P.K.
Post written by Katarina Miletic Join my Inner Circle
Often we are asked to imagine (if we had a way of going back to the past) what is one lesson we would want our younger self to know. What if we reversed that question? What if we asked our younger self what are the things we loved to do, things that filled our soul with bliss, but we forgot them along the way. What if we asked our younger self to remind us of the depth of our virtue?
Whilst the lesson to our younger self is a poetic reflection on our experience, the lesson from our younger self is a philosophical exercise that can absolutely help us unlock the powers that lie in our now, and shine the way we move forward.
You bet your life I did it!
My inner voice guided me to silence in the last few days. This silence rewards you with space, which you can fill with just being present with love and staying connected, really feeling connected with all there is – without reaching out for words. (I am doing my best to translate this into language right now, but keep in mind as you read, that what I am describing with words are impulses, emotions, awareness, an experience that was allowed to be.) Recalling my younger self, I realised that the child I knew so well was directing me to slow down.
At first I thought, my lifestyle in the past two years could not have been any slower. I work and create from home and I have eliminated stress, consciously, from every area of my life. I know how passionate I am about every single thing that is filling my every moment with pure joy. But, despite this, I did understand the message. I haven’t yet allowed myself to slow down when it comes to thinking, and I certainly haven’t yet given myself permission to slow down when I speak.
Now, this is something that I have picked up and learned (albeit it seems to me that the lesson was the wrong one for me – again, I knew instinctively that it doesn’t resonate with me, but because every single one of the teachers I was learning from at that time – strongly advocates fast speaking, so I started believing this might be useful to learn and practice), and now I have to unlearn and go back to my natural rhythm.
This message from my younger self freed another part of my soul – it gave me freedom to peel back another layer of resisting who I am in favour of accepting, and trying to fit into, a different model.
What in this story is a lesson for you? Slow down enough to become consciously aware of who you are and trust it. At least be willing and open to trusting it. Test it if you are not sure, but don’t ignore it. Every sign you receive from within IS your guidance, IS the right way for you. Go back to your younger self and see what it can teach you in your now. Your younger self remembers everything in your past that made you the unique you, before you started bringing your mind into it and confused your thoughts with who you are – because, my friend, truth is – you are much, much, much more than your thoughts. And, if we remember what’s in our past (as in who we were, the essence of our being) – still is the best way to suppose what may come in our future. Try it for yourself.
As for me, I know I am much more considered, able to control both what thoughts come up in my mind, and what comes out of my mouth. That fine measure, that conscious awareness of self when I speak – that ability to access deeper knowing even as I speak, for the sake of all that – I am slowing down….
P.S. But slowing down has absolutely no reflection on what and how much I do. That part I had right (again - for me; it’s likely to be different for everyone else).
* * * * The Update – 343 Days to Dream * * * *
This was a day of research and reading through various texts saved about kitchen renovation projects. Lots of different ideas, some very nice ones that could work here, but I am asking myself, and the universe, about the ways in which I can be resourceful and creative - where the projects I am looking at have taken a different route to the final destination. It’s not just the question of a big difference in budget between them and me, but I want to figure out things for myself and only call professionals for the skills I absolutely cannot perform (or learn to do myself). It was short work on the project today, as I am hosting an art class this evening, and preparation for that takes several hours over few days.
Feeling mixed emotions today – completely unrelated with 365 Days to Dream. But today was the last day of my second 30 day yoga challenge. It was beautiful and completely brilliantly composed by Adriene. However, whenever you come to the end of one cycle I think a bit of sadness, and a natural reflection follows. I enjoyed it so much that tomorrow I will invite Adriene for a new 30 day cycle and on we go. Today, though I am allowing just a little melancholy.
I intend to spend a little more time to make some sort of action plan in the next few days, hopefully before the end of the week – for the coming few weeks. I need to get back to daily cataloguing. Even though I have items ready to be catalogued, I am not seeing any time gaps in my schedule, so I will just have to plan for it and even if it’s one day a week, at least I will know I am moving forward.
Remember – You Are Safe Here
This is the sacred place between our souls. Thank you for sharing your visions, dreams and ideas. Your courage to be vulnerably seen will always be respected, and you will be treated with nothing but kindness and compassion. ♡
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