An Introduction to Preserving Your Uniqueness
Behind you,
all your memories.
Before you,
all your dreams.
Around you,
all who love you.
Within you,
all you need.
all your memories.
Before you,
all your dreams.
Around you,
all who love you.
Within you,
all you need.
Post written by Katarina Miletic Join my Inner Circle
There is something so preciously unique inside you that no other person ever to have lived, or living now, or even still to be born – can repeat. That is worth capturing, that is worth knowing, and that is worth dedicating your entire existence to embody.
You, and all of us, in our very essence, are a spirit – a projection of infinite consciousness. That is the big picture. That is our connection, our unity, our oneness in this space and time and reality – however you perceive, or call life. However, that universal consciousness, the creator if you will, projects a very distinct picture – even when the differences are so subtle – through each one of us. The reason for this is the truly vast number (even if we don’t call it an infinite, but certainly countless to the largest degree imaginable) of variations inside us. Endless combinations of these create completely unique images and experiences.
I know that you understand that your potential is immense, but its importance is even more significant than you are letting yourself imagine.
Point being, even though we are in our essence one and the same quality – we are not meant to be the same - because there is the potential inside every single one of us to create the difference, the impact of love and light. Now, having just read that sentence, bring to your mind the version of reality that you observe and live, and tell me, hand on heart – how much uniqueness do you see out there in the world? And how much sameness, how many clones, how much mediocrity?
No, we are not going to focus there – don’t worry. But we do have to be observant, vigilant and protective – as well as trusting of the unique lens that our human version represents to the consciousness which is occupying it. Its great power wants us to co-create the beauty and grace, to project love and light, to touch and guide others to switch on their own inner light. Not to follow us, but to follow our example, in their own unique ways.
The difference in the quality of such sublime, and exquisitely fine-tuned, life – is like Bach and Mozart composed its soundtrack and James Earl Jones is narrating your story. I know I would much rather be a star of that show, which I also get to write the script for – rather than wait for someone else to tell me who I should be and how I should live. It is absolutely irrelevant what authority of expertise they hold – for in your life there is only one expert who has access to the deepest truths inside you. And it’s not me, nor any other soul but you, my friend.
There is nothing to be afraid of. Learn to control your mind, learn to follow your heart – and you have unlocked the door to the happiness everlasting. You see, everything you want and need is right there, inside you already. Turn your awareness to realising who you really are.
* * * * The Exclusive Update – 314 Days to Dream * * * *
More of a conscious choice today to spend most of my energy in the creative process of painting: the closer I am to the main goal, the more conviction and dedication I find inside me. There are not many words to describe the pure happiness of being. Just focusing on remaining present in each moment and enjoying it immensely. I am looking forward to sharing it all with you soon. I am also happy I had some time to go through more ideas, and see which ones I am still fond of and leaning towards.
The main feeling of this day was ease, and also flow. A gentle movement through the day, enhanced by the ever-changing light. The rain was accompanying me for most of the day, but in pauses between showers the sun shone so bright and had this luminous yellow glow – it was outstanding. I love having my desk positioned in front of the biggest glass double French door, for both light and the view are to die for. They provide an extra sensation of bliss, for sure. Or rather they confirm the state I am already finding myself in.
Tomorrow I am going to be busy with a little family celebration preparation, which I might share more with you come Saturday. I cannot believe how fast this week has gone, and it’s already Friday in less than an hour. Well, I am enjoying it so very much, maybe that’s speeding it up in addition to the usual galloping. ;) I will keep you posted.
Remember – You Are Safe Here
This is the sacred place between our souls. Thank you for sharing your visions, dreams and ideas. Your courage to be vulnerably seen will always be respected, and you will be treated with nothing but kindness and compassion. ♡
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