

Find a way, not an excuse.
My Mother's Favourite Saying

Post written by Katarina Miletic  Join my Inner Circle

What if I told you that you were born lucky, happy and successful (however you define those!) and if you are not, at this moment, feeling lucky, happy and successful inside yourself – on the deepest level you can comprehend and reach – that only indicates that you have blocked your natural resources (which can never be depleted), and you are not allowing yourself the full potential of your wonderful being. In other words – you, my friend – are standing in your own way of everything you could possibly be.

The big question remains – you are aware that you are born with the intention to keep expanding, and as you expand – the bigger part of you (one that we are all a part of) – is also expanding because of it. This is not something that can ever be stopped, or accomplished. We simply move through life and embrace every new level – believing that we are ready to bring forth all that we know, plus shifting the mindset and aligning with the next best version of oneself. We mustn’t forget that we’re never creating alone. The powerful creator is co-creating everything with us (from within).

So, where does the lack, self-doubt, or someone else’s opinion (good or bad – equally irrelevant) come to play? They are thoughts – and not the kinds that serve you in any way. You have by now identified that your mind is not who you are.

It is possible, and necessary, for you to learn to control and guide your thoughts so that they serve you, and help you elevate yourself to the bigger game you are here to live and play. Think of the mindset as something you need, as work on self – that is in one part upgrading, and in other part maintaining and sustaining your current level of being or awareness.

This progress line doesn’t always happen in huge leaps. In fact, it doesn’t have to. You can make smaller shifts and, in concert with your inner being – create a new and improved version of yourself each and every day.

This is merely food for thought but thought that is beyond the concept of your intellect alone. This is an invitation for a more profound look into yourself, where your deeper awareness always is, present in its full light – and you have access to it only if you choose to focus upon it.

After Word

No doubt that we will continue this journey deeper into ourselves, my friend. There has never been a better opportunity nor time to start remembering who we really are.

With the deepest love.

* * * * The Exclusive Update – 318 Days to Dream * * * * 

Sundays are fast becoming my favourite day of the week. So, now along with Mondays and Saturdays, and Thursdays hehe - you get the picture. Its the most productive day in the most profound way, and that is the reason behind this brand new relationship with Sunday. I have been on this path now for over two years, but while all of the previous 18 months or so were laying the foundations and the groundwork, mindful presence and building on investing time to really deeply understand, comprehend and live truly who I am – the last few months (from the beginning of this year) have been a revelation by themselves. And the timing couldnt have been more precise for everything I have been ready for all my life. Work on self is the true mastery we have to achieve before we can move forward to truly serve others in the ways we cannot imagine that can unfold.

New podcast episode called Allow the Light is now live on This is Your Moment on iTunes (click here to listen to it now), and as ever – I am so happy to share this one with you. Its short and direct and I cant wait for you to hear it, my friend.

Todays feeling is one of ever lighter presence. I cannot begin to tell you the ways in which I continue to express gratitude for every blessing received through words, comments, gestures, pure love. Its inspiring me further to keep offering you the best I have inside me and to keep shining bright so that you can always find me and know that youre not alone. And everything I have inside me, you have access to – inside you, dear one.

The new week is nearly upon us. I am a day late to make a plan for it, but perhaps that is also something intentional and instinctive inside me – confidently taking over. All I can say, wait and see. Today, few really amazing creative ideas have popped into my head and I have started capturing them and outlining something so exciting, something that wasnt even on my radar, but the idea for it was so vivid and clear, that I know I have to make it happen – for the direct benefit of many. Stay tuned, and it will be revealed soon, my friend.

My Garden Blooms by Katarina Miletic 

Remember – You Are Safe Here
This is the sacred place between our souls. Thank you for sharing your visions, dreams and ideas. Your courage to be vulnerably seen will always be respected, and you will be treated with nothing but kindness and compassion. ♡
