Free Yourself from Judgment

Free Yourself from Judgment

Well, I hope that you are out there and read this and know that, yes, it's true I'm here, and I'm just as strange as you.
Frida Kahlo

Post written by Katarina Miletic  Join my Inner Circle

To free your mind of judgment and see things from the perspective of love that you are - is going to be one of the most worthwhile gifts you can give yourself on the road of self-realisation and balanced living in concert with your true nature. 

This is the subject that has many contexts and is part of many a conversation, directly and indirectly - but I want to colour it with a different colour once and for all.

An individual view and perception of one’s reality are always right - from that point of view. True understanding is in knowing that we would have the exact same view if we were to stand in the physical shoes of another self. Period. 

The only influence, the only positive change we can ever effect is from doing the work inside our own consciousness: seeing what we wish to see that resonates in every part with our intuition, which is the suggested path of our higher self. 

In other words, the more we align with the love that we are, the freer and clearer our inner wisdom, the more profound our natural intelligence, the more accurate and direct our means of communication (our words, our honesty, our pure love).

So long you hold on to judgment of any kind - you will be introducing the unclear, messy, bias, and impure vibration to the mix of the collective consciousness which is already in a less desirable place than where we all want it to be and want to help raise it. Drop the judgment to self first and for good. Without knowing that you are love and without feeling the worthiness and value of your choices - you are useless to any other self. If you don’t love yourself, you can’t help. And when I say love yourself, I mean exactly that: know and understand that you are love itself and that you cannot be anything less than love.

Or, let’s put it this way: only pure love (free of any and all conditions) can call everything exactly how it is - absolutely judgment-free. Oh, yes, it can still be misinterpreted because, remember my friend, the interpreter holds the vibration of their own purity. If (and only if) they are judgment-free they will only identify with love coming towards them, never anything else.

The key, as always - is inside you. 

Take Away Thoughts

Let everything you speak radiate from pure love. Be - rather than speak. That is almost always more efficient. If you are still holding on to judgment - your vibration isn’t pure love, yet. Allow it all to be, knowing that the universe is not wrong. Align your consciousness to that of your highest self and become it. In becoming better you - the world is going where you take it. In being love - you serve your (and our!) purpose the best. Remember that you are everything there is.

* * * * The Exclusive Update – 264 Days to Dream * * * * 


Things are definitely moving forward on the 365 Days to Dream project front lines. All of them! But I am in this instance referring to the home renovation project in particular. We have been discussing garden plans in the last few days, measuring up, drawing, and imagineering everything in place. That is how you co-create the dream. You let your imagination take over and dominate your vibration - you literally become the very thing you want. And even though you are not attached to a specific outcome (knowing that from our vantage point it’s harder to see the big picture that our higher self has the view of), but trusting the inner guidance to keep moving us towards the desired.

I have also started making lists of things that we will need for the garden project and started sourcing the supplies. We are actually creating something ourselves. That is always the most exciting part, being able to make something with your own hands. Because imagination works best that way, I find. 


The feeling deriving from the above activities is one of excitement and buzz. It’s fun to do small things and to see things shifting and moving, and morphing into the dream we want. I am so grateful and my heart is literally singing with appreciation and joy at the opportunity to envision, to create and to keep refining and tuning into the frequency of our desires when it comes to our dream home. 


Just a little side note - there have been a few days without publishing on the blog. As I am resolved to follow my inner guidance, I have trusted that deeper reflection where words are not needed for complete understanding and comprehension of the new level of being. Whenever I feel an impulse to share, I am here with you. Otherwise, I trust that you know that we are still inseparable, even when words are seemingly not connecting us. We are made of one love and we are one in every sense that I can imagine and know. There is no separation, no distance, no time and space between us. You don’t even need these words to understand all. I trust our unity and our oneness the same way with these words, and in the silence between them. Particularly so in the silence and its expanding wisdom of deliberate, conscious oneness between all our selves. There is nothing but pure love for you here, my friend.

Signature Collection of Aquarelle Paintings Coming Soon - New Fine Art Website from  Indigo & Verdigris

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This is the sacred place between our souls. Thank you for sharing your visions, dreams and ideas. Your courage to be vulnerably seen will always be respected, and you will be treated with nothing but kindness and compassion. ♡
