Huge Life Hack Ahead
Words are a pretext. It is the inner bond that draws one person to another, not words.
Post written by Katarina Miletic Join my Inner Circle
Major disclaimer: this post is a lesson in a higher quality of being. If you are prone to judgment it may be a trigger - but if you bring an open mind it might be just what you need to hear today.
The Shortest Lesson in History (probably)
righteousness with resonance, and
always right with alignment.
Equally Short Explanation
The first two on the left side are the needs, and the two on the right are the state of being.
How to tell the difference: need to be right is always directed towards someone else, another being - whilst alignment is being always right according to your inner being’s (higher self) point of view, which sees always more than you can see.
Optional Part (just in case you want more)
The essence of this post is right there in those words above. If you need further reassurance that you are always capable of getting to the answers from inside your being, then keep reminding yourself (and repeat as often as necessary) that when you were a child - you relied on your instincts and your state was pure and naturally aligned. You didn’t need self-judgment, life partner, right kind of job or career, or opinion of others. In other words - you felt complete, for you are always already complete and perfect just as you are. All of these other things are conditioning that we pick up during our physical existence. No wonder they feel like a burden, because we weigh ourselves down with all sorts of expectations, meanings, and opinions - both from our own and from collective ideas.
We have much overcomplicated every segment of being by choosing to carry a burden that was never intended to be experienced by our individual self or our higher self. It is time well spent to start bringing attention and awareness to the things within our direct power of focus. The shift is usually swift and profound, and lasting (because you only need to go through it once), but it doesn’t happen before something wakes us up from the slumber. Watch out for it and either start the process yourself or use the life experience as the catalyst for change. When things turn upside down and you feel uprooted - that’s the best place for reassessment and checking in whether or not you’re living your life in a state of alignment with your higher purpose. Again, your joy will be the indicator. If you are feeling good, and not infringing upon the free will of anyone else - you’re aligned.
Take Away
Focus your attention on purpose, on discovering things that both bring you peace and awake your passion. These other out of alignment things will then correct themselves without much effort from you, but with awareness and presence, naturally.
* * * * The Exclusive Update – 271 Days to Dream * * * *
Today was an unusually quiet day on the home front. Maybe because we went out for the better part of the afternoon, but there was still daylight to dedicate to the finishing details of the latest aquarelle painting, and catching up with an old client of mine. Neither one of us realised that seven years had passed since we last saw each other, but we do catch up at least once a year and either Skype or email with photos. She updates me about her current home projects and I always love seeing how people embrace design as a way of life and seeing things with a different perspective. I love empowering people in this way, and most of my private clients always feel inspired and confident to take on their subsequent projects. Of course, they always keep in touch with progress updates and they also send me the direct questions and we do a quick design consultation when they need a second opinion. If you didn’t know, I offer short consultations, because sometimes that is all people need to get moving with a project.
If any of that is relevant for you, do check out and don’t forget to claim your copy of my FREE eBook Designer in Residence - available right there through the website.
The feeling of the day is creative flow and inner work. I had a lot of big thoughts and embraced the day from the outset in this way. Thoughts of surrendering to the flow of my inner being and keeping the connection with higher self present throughout my day, through everything else that may be going on. I fell completely aligned in those moments, and I know by the way how effortless and blissful it feels - that I am offering my best self to the world. I know I reflect the universal love and light the most when I can feel my vibration exactly like this.
Looking forward to the weekend. I have some photography editing planned, and a bit more organising of thoughts regarding the concept for my interior (absolutely within 365 Days to Dream project). And if rain should decide to stop a bit, I will be heading out to the garden to start sanding various bits of furniture. I will keep you posted, my friend. That’s a given.
Remember – You Are Safe Here
This is the sacred place between our souls. Thank you for sharing your visions, dreams and ideas. Your courage to be vulnerably seen will always be respected, and you will be treated with nothing but kindness and compassion. ♡
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