Martin Luther King Jr.
Some subjects reappear in our experience, and the way we relate to them is the best measure of our own progress. I have never been more sure that the entire life is designed in this ultimately sophisticated way. Simple, but profound. Just remember that…. If it doesn’t resonate in its full glory right now - it will, my friend.
It’s easier to slip into the oblivion of unconsciousness than it is to come back to self. Because our mind will be the biggest obstacle - and it will point to everything that is the ‘reality’ in the only way it can experience reality. But, that is not the ONLY way you can experience reality. It’s not even remotely close to the truth of the matter.
So, because of that resistance of the learned and habitual, and conditioned, and false beliefs - the mind will keep pulling us back from what we can hear our heart saying to us. That is the point - that is the very spot in which you can claim the control back if you bring your awareness to it.
Technically, and actually - it is not easier to keep yourself in the place of resistance. That takes effort, struggle, constant pushing and beating yourself to submission. While, by stark contrast, letting go of trying to control the uncontrollable (this is not your job), and fixing the unfixable (you can’t get there from there!) - will immediately, and directly, and in the easiest possible way get you to the most natural state of being, fully present in your life. It is easy getting to it, but because of all the above - it’s difficult (only in the beginning) to keep it there with any steadiness. However, if you persist - the benefits of feeling at peace with your nature will melt your resistance - one by one, by one, by one…. Until you don’t remember the way your previous self was thinking. You just become aware: Oh, wow - I must have been in such deep sleep.
Then, the real fun (i.e. the real life) truly begins, my friend.
But you have to get yourself out of the unconscious state first.
That said, the subject that comes again for me is the broadening and deepening of my WHY. Why is writing this blog so important for both of us? And the vision grows with me. The answers come when you start looking for them, from every perspective you can imagine (and I would suggest as many different angles as you can literally imagine and comprehend). Every one of those perspectives can be yours. You are not tied to anything, but to your deepest resonance. Use that as guidance for everything. But don’t skip steps. If this is not making sense, start reading this blog from the beginning. I promise you - the gift of self-realisation will come to you, and the more you walk towards it - the more it runs to you with the open arms. That will be a hug to remember.
The most honest inside me is coming to you so that you know someone has walked this path before you. Whenever you come upon it - it will be your time, your moment.
Daily writing has been replaced with openness and the resolve to follow the innermost guidance and inspiration. You only deserve the best, and I am sharing this with you imagining my best friend (any being dearest and closest to my being). If I serve my best friend - I am serving you the same way. And the love from my heart comes to you undivided and undiluted, whole and pure.
I am at peace, as the above is the truest expression of my being - in this moment.
One More Answer to Your Silent Question
Why does the title say Creative Expansion?
The ‘creative’ distinction helps you go all-in and all-the-way, my friend. Without being fine tuned into your creative intuition, you will have this feeling that ‘something is still missing’ in your life - but once you set your tuner to that frequency, there will be no stopping you - whatever you desire your experience in life to be, or to say that clearer: whatever your highest Self is choosing to experience through your unique point of view. You have all that power in every fingerprint and every breath inside you. Don’t hold yourself back, don’t play small. Spread those beautiful wings, my dear…. Yes, you are capable of such creativity. In fact, without it you are not the complete you. Keep bringing your creative self forward.
* * * * The Exclusive Update – 239 Days to Dream * * * *
Big, I mean big steps have been made last week. I am working on a deadline for the quickest launch in the history of Indigo & Verdigris' creative brand - the launch of Indigo & Verdigris Vintage - a curated event that consists of a LIVE sale, on QuodRarumCarum YT channel. As soon as I have all the details ready (I am now in the technical part of connecting and testing the website, my friend) - I will let you know and we will launch it in as fast as 3-2-1.
I am so excited about this for a number of reasons, but I will name just a few:
- The speed and focus which got me to organise a brand new product launch in just three weeks time - yes, that is the idea, the outline, the structure, the website building and all that involves, video filming and editing, the return of This is Your Moment podcast (Please listen to this episode. You will get so much value from it. It's created for you with all the love!)
- The way this new I&V Vintage Event directly ties in with the 365 Days to Dream project - like a, well - dream!
- Whilst still keeping my focus on all the other important things: work on self, prime state of being, education and expansion in areas of interest (business, mindset, health, art as therapy and driving force)
Elated, full of the joy of pure being. The creative energy of doing is the most powerful force in our life. Frankly, what else is the point? For those of you who remember the brilliant Shawshank Redemption, this quote will suffice: ‘Get busy living or get busy dying.’
As well as the one at the top of this blog post. (Yes, you guessed it - I am going to invite you to read it once again.)
I cannot express enough gratitude for those who go through life, having chosen to come down from the high horse and walk this plane of life on equal footing with all present for the journey. No one is more right than another. No one is wrong (please read and remember that!) because when people know better - they do (and behave better). Truly. Think about that, and let it be the gift of this writing. As long as we are on the high horse - we cannot come from the place of deepest love inside our being. Let that LOVE dominate your vibration, dominate your state of being, dominate your LIFE. And give it freely to all. That is closer to life being ‘on point’. And enjoy!
Let’s have some fun! Don’t you forget to bring your humour. (Another nugget to take with you - I can’t ever let you go empty-handed from here): when you stop caring about the superficial perfectionism - the real you will reward you with its real charisma and charm. You will surprise yourself, darling.
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