Validation That Makes A Difference
Bless you, prison, bless you for being in my life. For there, lying upon the rotting prison straw, I came to realise that the object of life is not prosperity as we are made to believe, but the maturity of the human soul.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Post written by Katarina Miletic - Join I&V Written
There is only one thing that ever brings true joy, and that is knowing and hearing your inner guidance when it says: ‘You’re doing the right thing’, or ‘You did the right thing’, or ‘That’s the right thing to do’. So long you’re choosing to follow it - the happiness will unfold.
Now, that may not be immediately apparent, and as with everything in life - there is an element of trust involved. But if you didn’t already have it in you, we would not be here and now sharing this conversation. So, trust that nothing is broken, everything is working out in the best possible way. Allow it to unfold by trusting the process.
You don’t think it happened to me? Of course, it did. We do derail ourselves every time we look for validation from the outside. Opinions of others (I am talking loving, objective, well-meaning) are always a reflection of their own perception, and whilst they are relevant and accurate as a representation of them (and it might work if applied in their own life) if that opinion is not aligned with our inner being - it will not be an adequate validation for us.
Obviously, the moment we bring this to our full awareness - it melts away and disappears instantly. And the best thing is (this is true with all the greatest lessons in life): you only need to become aware of it once. Awareness is the magic wand that keeps zapping these false premises. POOOF! Gone. Another one bites the dust. (I can hear Freddie, too!)
Gone! All our false beliefs left behind, becoming a history. Lining our road to success, inner power - the true power of being.
* * * The Exclusive Update – 196 Days to Dream * * * *
Read the original post 365 Days to Dream Challenge right here*
I love sharing insights, thoughts, my story, and the journey we are all on - with you here. Today’s inspiration is a pure gift. Small, but mighty.
Today’s predominant feeling is one of joyous gratitude. Each day is bringing rewards of clarity, affirmation, hugs, and high-fives from the higher self. It’s both comforting and humbling like nothing I have experienced this far. I am in a phase of receiving the greatest blessings of alignment - after being fully present and aligned for a while now. (For the most curious among you, I am talking at least 4-5 years).
The thing is, even though I did experience and know this state of being, I wasn’t holding my focus there long enough to stay with it consistently. Of course, this is a stand-alone subject we will no doubt come back to talk about in detail. But for here, I just want to say that the more you trust its simplicity, the clearer and deeper your connection will be. Stay open and practice being present to all of you, not just your physical mind, body, intelligence, soul, but think of yourself as much, much more - because you are.
It feels great to be here. I have sent the intention to be here with you every time I feel the impulse guiding me, and I will honour that. But I do have a strong wish to be here more, to give you this light and love every single day. Just promise me you know it is here, even when there is no new post. I am here with you. Always.
Remember – You Are Safe Here
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