Conversations Are Relationships


Conversations Are Relationships

The greatest thing you can do for a player or a person in life is to prepare them for success.

Tom Landry

Post written by Katarina Miletic - Join I&V Written 

The art of conversation has often been a stand-alone subject of my posts, but it has always been the essential ingredient of every sentence, line and story that we share. 

I’ve no doubt that you have discovered for yourself the potent connection between the conversations and the relationships in which they unfold. As part of life education and experience, I am certain that we have all observed this co-relation, and to some degree, we have used it to our advantage (that is to say to the benefit of the relationship) when it comes to at least the relationships that matter the most to us. 

Well, I am here to make the case that all relationships matter to us. And that the one we often overlook is the one that holds the key for all other relationships in our life. 

Have you guessed yet which one that is?

Do you have someone in your life who has been at your side from day one, who goes through everything in life with you, yet you take this being for granted? 

How do you talk with yourself? How do you show up for yourself? Are you sometimes (always) hard on yourself, and beat up on yourself for not being smart (or cynical enough) to have anticipated a heartbreak before it showed up in your life? So, you not only suffer from a broken heart but you on top of that relentlessly punish yourself for allowing this experience to have happened in the first place. Have you done this? Just own up to it, it’s OK, most of us have been there at one point and time in our life (of a few, which is also true for some of us). 

Is that how we treat someone we love? It’s not, is it? We stick up for everyone else (and that is the right thing to do, don’t misunderstand), but we don’t imagine that the being inside our soul needs our love, respect, time…. 

That is where it all starts coming closer to home and feeling like home - when we start to notice that we can’t abuse and neglect the soul inside our hearts. From that humble understanding comes compassion and kindness to self. A little goes a long way. 

And you get curious to really get to know this being. I call them a being, because we are so much more than a person, so much more than a human expression - we are an individuation of infinity. We truly are a living, breathing fingerprint of the Creator. 

Please, let that inspire you. I know that your soul is listening to mine (two expressions and different points of view of the same, undivided and inseparable oneness), even if your mind is standing in the way. I know. And you know. Just allow it to be. 

You were not born small and helpless to figure out the puzzle of life. You are here on a quest for joy, of returning home to the innocence and purity of your being. 

So - once you start having these sorts of conversations with yourself and every other self you encounter - I promise you that you will live each relationship through the ever-present love. You can’t experience anything outside love, because there isn’t anything that exists outside love. Love is all there is. (Yes, literally.)

Do you see how simple and easy it is? And do you see that the experience you live is the one you create? No one else creates your experience. If something isn’t working or feeling the way you want it - the power to change it is inside you. Don’t look to anyone else to fix what’s appearing in your reality. They can’t. They can only create their own….

Start loving from the inside out, and start embracing yourself and all other selves (who are an inseparable part of you) with the same intensity and depth of love. Don’t worry, you won’t ever run out of love to give. 

KM in Arundel by  Antonije De Souza

* * * The Exclusive Update – 145 Days to Dream * * * * 

Read the original post 365 Days to Dream Challenge right here*


In this little corner of the blog, I notice that a lot more time has passed than I realised, since I picked up the digital pen and paper to update you. 

In all honesty, educational work took priority in the past month, but the home renovation project has stayed close to my heart. Seeing that I could not commit to building work during the lockdown conditions, I adapted and worked with time and possibilities I could manage. I am so happy that my son helps me in every way, so that the garden and house projects are always a fun, family time - regardless if we have a few hours or a whole day to spare. And things may not be moving in big strides, but small changes are celebrated just as much. I am content with that. 


When it comes to feeling, the last month has been filled with consistently high energy, happy events, breakthroughs and connections. I feel blessed to continue on this path of magical encounters and endless opportunities. And the more it unfolds with joy, the more I see that when you live from a place of abundance in your heart, your experience can only be full of joy.


How marvelous it is to participate in an event (virtually, but real in every way) with 8,000 like-hearted other selves! I shall never forget the experience of the first ever World Summit hosted by Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi. The momentum we have created together has been so rewarding and uplifting. I am grateful to be able to share my knowledge and experience in order to serve and help new entrepreneurs to avoid the potholes and accelerate faster towards their goals. I have teamed up with Vasi Siedman - a professional photographer friend, who is also a passionate entrepreneur and a fellow knowledge broker - to design a fast track mastermind to help entrepreneurs have a flying start in setting up or improving their online presence?

If you are striving to become a successful entrepreneur, show up with confidence in the marketplace, and build a resilient brand then we can definitely help you. If you have spent enough time and money, and you just feel like the wheels are spinning but you are not reaching the desired outcome, then you cannot afford to waste another day and another penny on expensive courses that generate overwhelm and encourage procrastination. 

Instead, let this be the best $60 you ever spent. We have eliminated everything that is not essential or important, and teach you only the relevant, action packed course with actual feedback about your business. Let’s get you set up and moving forward. Check the mastermind link for full description and content and join us today. 


P.S. The fastest action-takers will be rewarded by a free 30 minute 1:1 session with both Vasi and myself. Why are you still on this page? 

Remember – You Are Safe Here
This is the sacred place between our souls. Thank you for sharing your visions, dreams and ideas. Your courage to be vulnerably seen will always be respected, and you will be treated with nothing but kindness and compassion. ♡
