


Every wave knows she is the sea. What undone her doesn't bother her because what breaks it recreates it.


Post written by Katarina Miletic - Join I&V Written 

Oh, we are going to talk about this right now. Enlightenment is the seed of invitation inside your soul that you can either nurture or destroy. 

Like every gift or talent, if it isn’t used, shared, enjoyed, perfected - it dies as we choose to dim the light inside us. Whatever your reason for dimming the light - that is the wrong thing to do. Wrong by your nature - wrong by you. And you cannot do right by anyone or anything else if you do wrong by the very essence of your being.

Firstly, I want you to redefine, or rather let go of any definitions you hold about the word ‘easy’. In life, there is meaningful (and by that I don’t mean the applied meaning of our thinking mind), but this elevated feeling of grace, and humble recognition of belonging and being connected with the greater self (even when this is not in the view yet). Things that inspire this deep joy of knowing and feeling the alignment with our nature - are easy. But listen up: easy as in you will receive a confirmation upon confirmation of your deepest resonance with your inner being. You certainly won’t feel a struggle of resistance like when you go against the flow of nature of your being and life. This does not automatically mean easy as in everything will fall from the sky to your lap, as there is a great deal of understanding the discipline required to reach this state of being. There is a lot of conditioning that you have to deconstruct first. 

Is it possible? Of course!

For everyone? Absolutely!

Will everyone get this? (What do you think? It’s not as easy as that! But it is as easy as you allow it to be.) 

So, enlightenment is naturally built-in inside you. You shall not stop seeking, and finding that which you seek. Bring and devote all of you to that task, and the rewards will be many. 

* * * The Exclusive Update – 140 Days to Dream * * * * 


We are here again. Don’t you find it fascinating how many things happen on the projection screen of our consciousness in 24 hours? How many details one day holds, and how many an entire lifetime. What we have here is precious and worth reminding (because life reminds us constantly) that we cannot take a moment of it for granted. Autumn has gifted us another amazing day and the fact that we have this opportunity to connect and share a view into another self - is a blessing in its own league of special.


I almost feel, am I going to find the right words to describe the feeling permitting through the core of my being? Today has inspired and invited some of the humblest gratitude I have experienced, but I am sure that the feeling like that knows no end…. I am sure tomorrow it will reach deeper and by the next week we will be further along, too. That’s the thing about life. If you trust the journey, it will take you to the most amazing destinations. Your soul is ready to navigate. The question is: are you ready to trust it?


I can’t believe we’re only two days away from my first ever live masterclass! Together with my dear professional photographer friend Vasi Siedman, I am going to be teaching my first masterclass on the MasterMind platform. Brand new things, great things in the unfolding. I would like to invite you to get curious and creative and see the possibility this has for you. If you are reading the last paragraph of this blog post I am certain that you and I have shared a few stories before, and that you, my friend, are ready (or thinking about) the life’s bigger stage. Let us help you improve your image and free your most authentic message, so that you can make a real impact in the world with your mission and your business. I promise you that this will be the best $60 investment you ever made in yourself! Heck, I am so certain we can help that we don’t want to keep a penny of your money if you feel you didn’t make a progress after attending three live classes with built-in Q&A sessions, and implementing the strategies we teach. You literally have nothing to lose, and stand so much to gain…. Is there any wonder why we’re so passionate about making a real difference in for you this year where it matters the most - in your business? Let’s amplify your impact in the world together. Click here to sign up right NOW. You can’t afford to miss this today. 

Remember – You Are Safe Here

This is the sacred place between our souls. Thank you for sharing your visions, dreams, and ideas. Your courage to be seen will always be respected, and you will be treated with nothing but kindness and compassion. ♡
