Many Angles Of Love


Many Angles Of Love

Gratitude is an awareness that we are not separate from All-There-Is


Post written by Katarina Miletic - Email me 

How life reminded me today that it writes the most beautiful stories. And so long we don’t put up a resistance or objection (which are always rooted in arrogance that our mind knows better than the Creator), a significantly more exquisite experience unfolds for us. 

Today, I woke up with the intention to write about gratitude. And I had no idea and a plan that it will want to come through this particular story. I wish my words can do it justice so that you can feel the intensity of love the same way we did. 

It was our usual May weekend scene: we were at the sight of building our dream house in the countryside. When I say building, I mean we were carrying building materials up the hill and sifting sand to different requirements, treating the raw timber, and carrying the bricks by hand to the upper levels. We were working passionately on this dream and it was becoming real in front of our eyes, so we invested all the time we had (outside work and school hours), particularly when the weather got better and days got warmer and longer.

This activity was interrupted when a neighbour from the hill above ours came running and exclaimed: “Good, you’re still here!” He was holding a milk bottle and something wrapped up in an old sweater that could fit in the joint palms of his hands.

The most precious thing you have ever seen, a tiny deer with a few white dots on its back and huge black eyes framed with delicate, long black lashes. You gasp and wonder: Is it real? But she was as real as you and I, and the story started very sadly for her earlier that morning when law-breaking hunters killed her mother. The neighbour heard her cries from the woods near his home and went to search for her. Having had experience with small sheep and goats, he was able to feed her with the bottle and literally save her life. 

His thinking was logical, and we completely followed his logic. As we lived in Belgrade (which is a city with over 2 million people), the plan was to take her to the Zoo. Surely, they will know how to look after her. The only thing we didn’t imagine was that by the time we went back to the city it was after 9 PM on a Sunday. The Zoo was of course close, with only a guard at the gate. He explained the procedure of admitting the wild animals to the Zoo, something which he did not have the authority to do.

Naturally, we took her home with us, and home is on the opposite side of the town, and the next day was Monday, our normal schedule was resuming for work and school, and university. I remember how tense her little body was as I put her on my lap, but soon she settled and I will never forget the moment she fell asleep and her little head felt heavy on my forearm. That was the moment in which the two of us bonded forever. 

My dad phoned the Zoo first thing and they informed him that only the director of Belgrade Zoo can approve an animal after certain tests and checks are performed, but he was unfortunately out of town until Wednesday. 

To cut the long story short, he did call us and enquired about her and if she was eating well, told us what kind of foods and when to feed her and give her water. He apologised for the inconvenience and said he will be happy to see us upon his return. 

You can guess what happened next, can’t you? 

By Wednesday - we all fell in love with her and she was just as happy to be around us. The Zoo director said it wasn’t unusual for people to keep wild animals at home when they are small. He had given baby monkeys and other animals to stay with people until they grew bigger, then they took them to the Zoo.

We bought this story, but we didn’t realise how naive we were at that time. 

Real love knows no measure, no boundary, no distinction between human or animal. It just is as pure as you can imagine. That was the best summer of our life.

We are a family who was on the move a lot, and she was happy with this lifestyle. During the week we were in the town, and on the weekends (from Friday evening till Sunday evening) we were in the countryside. Korzika (that was her name, after the Mediterranean island) was a happy little deer in every way. She was a joy to be around: jumping around in the grass and running up and down the hill, not having to worry about rain or mud or where her next meal is coming from, because it was all provided for her. I am happy we were able to be her family at the moment when she needed it the most. 

The memories of waking up and seeing her on her little bed next to mine, looking at me and waiting for me to wake up. Or, if she was impatient she would come with her little nose to my hand and for me to wake up and give her a cuddle. She was growing up into this elegant creature, fast. Too fast for all of our liking. But we couldn’t stop the clock. We could just enjoy the moments we had together.

She was growing bigger by the day and my dad and I attempted a visit to the Zoo with her, once, that autumn. That once was enough for all three of us. The heartbreak of the situation was too much to bear and my dad couldn’t go through with it. We took her back, but we knew we had to figure out something better. 

And then the solution came because the news about a deer living her lifestyle travels far. So it happened that my dad knew a man who worked in a different town for a larger insurance company that was a sister company of my dad’s. That man lived in the countryside and had a female deer who had suffered a similar unfortunate start in life. Only, his deer was not so domesticated, but half-wild, because she roamed freely and was coming to him when she needed food or shelter, knowing that he will help. Well, the two deer were introduced and it was a friendship or sistership at first glance. They instinctively knew they belong together. 

Korzika was happy to stay there and we were happy knowing she was loved and she wasn’t alone. Not long after, they returned to the wild completely, and he only saw them a couple of times that winter. 

There were so many magnificent moments in our brief time together, but Korzika was and forever will be part of our family. Whenever I close my eyes I can see her hopping around doing her happy dance, or I can see her eyes glistening in the dark, observing every move I make, even my breathing. 

I am grateful for the companions we had, the little and big angels that have touched our hearts with their unconditional love and taught us a language beyond words. 

Thanks may be just a word. But Gratitude is my reality. 

* * * * The Exclusive Update – 93 Days to Dream * * * * 


Oh, how dreams take different forms, it’s nothing short of amazing. Life keeps introducing new possibilities to explore, new paths to discover, and new things to learn. It’s all too interesting and fully engaging to ignore. I am so grateful for the opportunities to co-create with the universe itself through every connection of love and friendship that I discover. Just thrilling.

I am on the lookout for the local charity and I will keep you posted when a big needle moves. In the meantime, so happy to be bringing creative, festive activities to the Art & Soul Society (if you are not a member yet, do join - you’re missing a lot of fun, interactive, live gatherings and conversations). Click HERE to join straight away.


Today, I am grateful for all the moments that are stacked high in my heart that brought me to fully understand and appreciate the love that flows through my being and breathes me as I move and live in this world. If you live in a state of joy, that spells gratitude more than any words of thanks that you could ever offer. Make sure it extends to every single being - we are all part of one. Love is always whole. Always one and the same. Just appreciate it and see the difference that awareness alone will bring to your life.


I am so, so excited about what’s coming next. I am sure you will remember that not so long ago, my photographer friend Vasi Siedman and I have taught a Live mastermind class called Pen & Portrait - Fast Track Masterclass: From Beginner to Launching A Business in Three Days. Look out for the success stories of our students! We all appreciated this experience and it was fun to both share our knowledge and expertise, as well as grow and bring something new to the table. This was so well received that we want to teach a FREE LIVE MASTERCLASS on 14 December. For now, message me to register if you are interested. And if you are transitioning your brand to an online world - this information is invaluable and unmissable, my friend. Take advantage of this FREE LIVE MASTERCLASS and not only end this year with a huge win, but start 2021 with a plan and intention to reach your biggest goals so far. Email me now! 

Remember – You Are Safe Here

This is the sacred place between our souls. Thank you for sharing your visions, dreams, and ideas. Your courage to be seen will always be respected, and you will be treated with nothing but kindness and compassion. ♡

P.S. I am not including the 365 Days to Dream Update here as the above demands all of our attention. I will bring you an update in the next post, I promise.  
