Love Isn't Words


Love Isn't Words

If we listen from the mind of silence, every birdsong and every whispering of the pine branches in the wind will speak to us.

Thich Nhat Hanh

Post written by Katarina Miletic - Email me 

Be free of styles and definitions. They will restrict your free spirit which wants to move from inside out by finding its own expression - unique by the fact that it is coming through you.

Allow it. Trust the Love and it will guide you.

Flow in unity with all there is. Flow with nature, its seasons and the sun that you know is behind those clouds, storms, and darkness. You don’t doubt that, do you?

Express yourself. Remain free from the example of someone else. Project love, radiate love from the deepest place in your soul. It cannot be misunderstood by those who are here to receive your message. Give your heart. It is unbreakable. Let go of the fear - it is always something you’ve imagined. It does not exist anywhere but in your thoughts, and you are using them to perpetuate a reality you don’t want.

Trust that all is well. Love is guiding you to the truth inside you. Work on forgetting everything you have learned from the outside in. You are on your own path and to know it, you have to connect with the truth inside you.

Empty your mind and feel your heart full of love. (The ‘feeling’ I mention here is actually intelligent knowing, not a sensory feeling.)

Be like water. Allow yourself to take shape of everything you are expressing and become it, yet keeping your own qualities of pure. Create your own art. Invent you, because you are that free.

Give all of yourself to this life. Commit to it with everything you have inside you - and you will see that you are naturally fearless. But not if you are not committed.

If you only observe yourself from your human vantage point, you have already given up your power. Follow the seeking impulse inside your soul. Don’t settle until you realise that you are borderless, limitless, pure light of love itself.

Literally, you are all that you see, touch, believe and know…. Now move in accordance with the guidance from within. Don’t, even for a second, believe that the world is the way it is. Because it is exactly what YOU decide it to be. 

Be a blessing! 

* * * * The Exclusive Update – 31 Days to Dream * * * * 


It feels both good and it makes me slightly nervous to see the number go down to 31 days between this moment and the finish line. Will it all be how I initially thought when I planned the 365 Days to Dream home renovation challenge? Heck, no. Last year has challenged us in more ways than we could ever challenge ourselves, I think. It threw us a huge curveball, but we gave it as good as we got. If there had to be acceptance of the fact that the major alterations with the wall removal and kitchen boiler relocation had to be canceled, there were many other personal challenges accepted and accomplished during the last year. As documented throughout 2020 in this section of the blog - I am sure you know how many beautiful projects were started and finished last year. I count it all as a success, and I have to keep my focus on this challenge till the end - then we can reflect a bit more. 


I am forever grateful for moments of shared joy, inspiration, and connection with like-hearted artists, creative friends, and entrepreneur friends, as well as the family and friends for their continued presence in my life. Without you and without that none of this would be as beautiful and brilliant as it is. Whenever I take a breath to express my gratitude - you are all with me.


There is a lot coming up in 2021. The natural progression of this year has taught me that when you give from your heart and when you follow your heart - the path before you unfolds fast and clear. Yes, the path is demanding all your energy, all of your commitment - but the rewards you reap are second to none. Life of no regrets, and life of fulfilment and life dedicated to pure love - are the main components of success. The kind of success that I wish you and everyone else, my friend.

Stick around, coming soon a huge invitation and one of those lifetime BIG opportunities to give back and contribute on a scale I have not attempted before - coming your way really soon. Put a date in your calendar: 1 March - busy for the next 31 days…. 

Remember – You Are Safe Here

This is the sacred place between our souls. Thank you for sharing your visions, dreams, and ideas. Your courage to be seen will always be respected, and you will be treated with nothing but kindness and compassion. ♡
