Surrender it all to God

Surrender it all to God

Live for the moments you can't put into words.


Post written by Katarina Miletic

How much do you trust and surrender to the changes happening within? If only you could relax in a safe knowing that you are loved and taken care of in every moment and every circumstance - you would feel good no matter what. 

Because feeling good no matter what is your birthright. And deep, wise, informed direction for your action is unmistakably and reliably there for you.

It’s just a matter of making sure that your heart is open enough and naturally attuned to the highest vision for your life and to all that is possible for you to do, be, have, achieve, and feel. 

It is necessary to make a conscious decision not to succumb to doubt or any belief of ‘I can’t do that’ or ‘that is not meant for me’ or ‘that may work for others but not me’ - those are past programs and you have everything naturally aligned inside you to guide you in perfect faith to the precise experiences you dream of living.

Have you ever wondered why it seems easier to lose your mind in the complex chaos of thoughts and many conflicting ideas other-selves claim to be the answer to your prayers, to the point of feeling you cannot manage another moment and remain sane and true to yourself - other than simply letting go completely of all concepts and letting total trust guide you back to the natural stream of wellbeing which is readily and steadily available to you in every moment of your life?

Letting go of needing to control the outcomes of your relationships and life/work circumstances and surrendering all your trust to the one and only source of life, to the Creator - the universal and unconditional and never-ending flow of pure love, pure goodness, pure bliss.

And allowing yourself to revel in the perfection of it all - the way you and the Creator both intended.

Let the highest intelligence take care of everything for you - and it will automatically if you just stop clinging so hard and let it.

You are not a victim of life but a victor and closer to the Creator than you dare imagine.

Return to innocence and joyful peace of knowing that you are safe. No matter what - you are safe, you are loved, you are well. Rest your soul in that. Now. And forevermore.


  1. The simplicity, the clarity, I-already-know-this-ness of your ideas is astounding! It's amazing in that it's not so amazing at all. And of course it's true! So let go, then, Patrick. Really. . . let go :) Thank you for allowing this beautiful message to come through you.


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