Universe Inside You

Universe Inside You

"A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."
Albert Einstein

Post written by Katarina Miletic  Follow me on Facebook

Feeling part of the world can leave you exhausted. Being the world will fill you with joy and you will be free to feel each moment in its entirety. There is no question where heart wants to be, nor where it belongs.

Being isn’t about racing and competing, it’s about growing. When did we replace wondering and discovering, adventure – with this manic race towards the end? Let it end this very moment.

I have two teenagers in my life now. But ever since they’ve joined my life I have been able to show them what I mean by introducing them to the same feeling, rather than explaining it or trying to fit it into words – which sometimes have wings and I don’t necessarily want to control them with thought. Feeling is a language infinitely more suitable for sharing. It is boundless and limitless.

One of the most important feelings, one without which we would be lost and confused – is feeling one with the universe (for we are one). How do you put that into words?

Perhaps you don’t need to. What you do need is the knowing how to tap into the core of your being. If you haven’t lost touch with it – there isn’t a thing impossible. That is what heals us and keeps us strong in the face of adversity. That knowledge, that very feeling that we are one and the same with the space, stars, moon, sun, water, every soul that ever lived, dust, sea, grain of sand, orchid, poem, tear or smile and God. All one. All out there in eternity and infinite – and, in the equal measure, inside each of us.

How do you reconnect with that part of you if you lost or forgot about it? You reconnect by disconnecting from the chaos we call and consider and accept as the norm and standard and so-called order. For every boundary, border, line between you and everything around you is hurting the nature inside you, nature that is you. Let go of it, allow moments of pure being. Find yourself in those moments. Find a place where your soul exists in its purest... But then invite another in. Share it!

Instead of explaining this to my children - as we all know teenagers are not equipped with the best patience for mother’s words of wisdom - I take them to places where I feel the purest state of being – and I let that feeling speak. Not only do they understand it; it goes far beyond it – they feel they are connected the same way to the energy, indelibly. (Make sure you know that they don’t give me much feedback in words, but those moments see the most beautiful and pure connections our souls have – as one inside the universal love.)

Find this place for yourself. And don’t have any illusions. Although it is absolutely possible to be yourself on a busy square where everyone seems to be rushing in a different direction, with a variety of man-made objects and noises – it is in the silence and grandeur of nature’s gentle, but powerful wing, that we feel the purity of being. That simple feeling of pure joy - appearing small because of its simplicity, yet containing infinity itself.

My reflection and sharing had to begin with this revelation. Even if you never read another word from me, take away the possibility of allowing yourself oneness with the universe.

Better yet - don't even take my word for it... Just let these two unrehearsed smiles prove me right. 

Photography by KM - taken in Dungeness, Kent, England on two separate trips in the summer of 2011.
