Life in Art and Driftwood

Life in Art and Driftwood

“Chance encounters do not exist When we run into an old friend we should stop what we are doing, no matter what, and find out the message we have for that person, and that person has for us Once we grasp that reality - our interaction will slow down and become more purposeful and deliberate. "
James Redfield, The Celestine Prophecy 

Post written by Katarina Miletic  Follow me on Facebook

A morning is starting at the end of a significant day. I wish to start by making a point that life has a way of making us humble when we least expect it. Sure enough, we take creative steps to remind ourselves daily of the most important (and we make a conscious choice not to overlook it). We live by immersing ourselves in ocean of life. The instinctive goodness is worth far more than anything we learn and the less we try to put it in words - the truer we are to our own heart. Many are rewards in each day. We just need to know where to look. 

This very day began with a prayer. Not a prayer that came out of thoughts, but through that unique language of soul. Language that is timeless, effortless and sincere in its communication with the universe. The only real communication tool we have. Those confined to a box of any colour, shape and size will not understand. It's alright. Time will come when meaning will be clear to all. In the meantime, we'll keep this between you and I - where things are clear…. and my heart is full of your laughter. 

I am directing this message to you, as much as myself. I am writing to show you how I talk to God and how universe never forgets where I am. We spoke a language of light surrounded by darkness, and that is how we recognised each other in the beginning. And the luck of the situation had us lighting each other's path always brighter, and by taking more care, than our own. Those were scary and testing times. Times that didn't destroy who we were, but allowed us to find the keys to yet deeper, unquestionable faith inside us. As if by rule: the tougher it got - the more meaningful it became. It was so personal, bringing the inevitable change in focus, thus reminding us that life and love constantly change - and only by embracing that change we grow stronger in heart. 

There are no words equal to the joy of this moment. There is a feeling of tenderness and thrill. Something from the great beyond. I wouldn't give this feeling for a million lighter versions, for there is only one preceding all else. This one. And there wasn't a step not worth taking. Exactly because of them we are now aware of every passing second and we alone bring meaning to the life itself. We breathe with nature and rise with the sun. Inside us - the universe is quite comfortable. And silence speaks the language of poets….

Thank you for bringing me home. For showing me the way. For staying. For remembering. For always giving before taking. For knowing! For keeping the old values - honour and truth, as part of your innermost being. But most of all, for making me feel incredibly alive in any one of our moments together. 

Between us - dancing words and the big blue.  

FROM THIS POINT…. by KM (Isle of Wight, 22nd September 2012)

Written and dedicated to S. M. Yates, on Orthodox Easter, 5th May 2013. 
