Your Life is a Reflection of You
Think of your life as a mirror – if you smile first, it smiles back!
This is a simple, but powerful reminder that we need to be aware that our thoughts create our reality, without a fail.
I don’t think people realise how much suffering they inflict upon themselves with thoughts and beliefs that don’t serve them. This is somehow accepted as truth and reality, that the only reality which exists is overlooked – the presence in the present moment (the only time we ever have is now, not yesterday and certainly not tomorrow).
I am not going to get into how many people choose to be prisoners of their past, never learning anything from the rich tapestry of life experience. But the presumption that we hold the keys to the next decades of our, and other people’s lives - is just too big to contemplate. If I didn’t know it as unconsciousness, I would call it arrogant. Practice everything that you have become, all the love and light that you hold and know inside yourself, into your gift of service to others, each day - as if it were your last. Because it just may be! We do not know if we have thirty, or twenty, or ten more years to delight our senses with the beauty of being, and to show those we love how much they mean to us. Trust me, that can change in one moment – you, I, nor anyone else knows how long we have to share the journey here together. Don’t leave for tomorrow to tell someone you love them, because tomorrow you may not have that opportunity.
Even though I have often been a listening and compassionate heart to others, I cannot imagine the weight of their pain for living with this one regret! For to me, it seems unbearable, let alone unnecessary as it is very much our own choice. We understand this when we bring our full awareness to it. Bear in mind that you can never control anyone’s behaviour, nor should you hang your happiness on it. Your regret will not be: “Someone else didn’t love me the same way I loved them”, but “I wish I had another chance to tell ……. how much I loved them.” And that is something you control.
It is so important for us, and for another, to show up with authenticity, shine all our love on them, pay attention to them, listen with the whole heart - and receive a gift. There is magic in that exchange. I’m not saying everyone is just going to love you – or, in other words, trust them to behave in accordance to their level on consciousness at any given time. No more is possible, but the gift of more awareness will always be there. And even more gratitude. Only, you need to be willing to be the first to smile, first to pick up that phone, first to write that letter, first to show up and first to say "I love you" – no matter what.
Trust that life is always taking you where you need to be - you simply cannot be at the wrong place. So, start tuning in to that vast, deep space and stillness inside yourself. Notice that things feel good when you feel connected with it, and less good when you feel discord, or disconnection. You were born complete! Everything you will ever need to navigate through this lovely experience we call life – is already inside you, so relax. Give up the struggle, worry and grief. They are your indicators that you need to reconnect with your inner light.
If you are going to try anything new in 2019 – please try positivity. Don’t be too hard on yourself. You got this! In fact, you cannot get it wrong, so might as well embrace who you really are, keep your heart open (trust me, it’s unbreakable). You are stronger than you think, you are beautiful and you are love.
Both photographs by Katarina Miletic, taken one April in Belgrade, Serbia.
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