Aquarelle Way of Life

Aquarelle Way of Life

Art Monday Series
Post 1

Post written by Katarina Miletic  Join my Inner Circle

My aquarelle paintings are the best expression of who I am. And this article is not about me, but about the journey to self – mine just happens to be the art.

You know those people who were painting like young kids and that is all they every wanted to do, and when they grew up they became artists, because everyone, including themselves expected that? Well, that’s not me. I had an absolute admiration for people who had the talent, and the appreciation of fine art for as long as I remember. I was taken to fabulous art exhibitions when I was a child – those are among my most cherished memories. And somewhere between my own and the artists’ imagination – I got transported into the world of intense beauty, exquisite details captured and immortalised. I appreciated the art far before I was aware of any concepts and definitions. I saw the higher self through those paintings and I was captured by it forever.

I didn’t paint even as a hobby, although technical and perspective drawings were something I excelled at. Yes, I studied interior design prior to the introduction of the CAD programs, or even the computers, into the classroom. My design concepts were done in watercolour and I never took it anywhere further, even though I got distinction upon distinction for every assignment I ever did. It just wasn’t on my radar, I guess.

The Idea

Little Background: My dad was excellent at pencil and charcoal drawing and he did some aquarelle paintings before I was born, and when I was very little. These have always intrigued me because I saw such talent in them, and I did question my father why he stopped painting. He said although he loved it, he had hands full with work commitments and raising my brother and me together with my mother. So, family time came first, he didn’t have any time left to pursue this love of his for painting.

So, years later, when I had my two kids and they were still very little, I thought if I learn to paint, then I could get my dad excited about painting again! It was a magnificent beginning to the biggest self-discovery. I had no expectation to be good at it, just a pure wish to learn. I bought books, read them cover to cover, studied the subject of aquarelle, and started practical exercises suggested by these great artists. Because I had no preconceived thoughts, the learning process was not meeting with any backchat. It was amazing to start seeing the world in a different way. Although, I discovered this was not unlike the way I am already looking at the world. That was the biggest revelation of all.

When my parents visited for our family holiday, I surprised my dad with all the paper, paints, brushes and enthusiasm. He did not need persuasion! We had so much fun painting together in what was my creative space in a large, light filled conservatory. And we have kept painting together ever since.

Fast Forward 20+ Years

In our family home in the Serbian countryside my dad has built an artist studio for me and we had enjoyed so many exhibitions together, even entered competitions. Our first joint exhibition was titled Shades of Love, which is the best description of us. One of my paintings won 1st Prize in the October Salon of amateur painters of Belgrade (category watercolour medium) with over 3000 entries and a professional jury of five artists. They said: It had the most original idea and it was executed cleanly, highlighting the best qualities of the aquarelle style.
My dad’s painting was highly commended in the first ten that same year! My parents were present at the opening night of this five day exhibition event, where they announced the winner on that first night. My mother said she nearly fainted when they called out my name. No one was prepared for this, and they had to accept the prize on my behalf and give a word of thanks, etc.

Pure Joy

Here is the key and the point to why I am telling you my story. I put my heart and soul into everything I do, my friend - always and in every single thing I do. But when I paint, my heart sings in concert with my soul! There isn’t anything that brings me closer to myself, to my inner being, to the creator who is expressing all the beauty of being in that moment through me – than when I hold my paintbrush loaded with water and paint, ready to start its dance of washes on the clean white paper. That whole process involves all of who I am, and in those moments I truly exist as the truest expression of who I really am.

In life, you really do find what you are looking for. Make sure you are looking for what is the essence of you. What fills your heart with joy like nothing else – that is what you are meant to do, my friend. I wish you the joy of finding and doing that very thing happily forever. And remember, it’s not so much looking for that you should focus, as much as listening to your intuition, for the intuition will always guide you to what is the right thing for you! Do whatever it takes to be in concert with your inner being, because nothing else in this life will produce lasting happiness.

Remember – You Are Safe Here

This is the sacred place between our souls. Thank you for sharing your visions, dreams and ideas. Your courage to be vulnerably seen will always be respected, and you will be treated with nothing but kindness and compassion. ♡

P.S. If you want to see those two paintings that were in the competition, here they are. Enjoy!
