The Advantages of the Unplugged Life

The Advantages of the
Unplugged Life

It's not the load that weighs you down, it's the way you carry it.
C S Lewis

Post written by Katarina Miletic  Join my Inner Circle

Sometimes we keep to our own natural rhythm of progress and growth, and at other times it feels like we are being bombarded with information from all the different sides. Sometimes we are unaffected by it, and sometimes we are so deep into it, that the life gives us a helping hand and diverts our course, so that we catch the glimpse of the truth inside us and reconnect with it. And then there are times when you feel that you cannot hear your inner voice.

If you allow it to get to that place, it becomes extremely difficult to stop and regroup. The good news is that most everyone born has been through that process, and survived it. We just live in the environment of noise where everything has to be louder, bigger, more in our face, more pulling our sleeve, more demanding of our attention, just more, more, more…. We also live in a world where ‘one size fits all’ in terms of education and many other aspects of our daily life, yet we are aware that we are unique and unrepeatable soul having a physical experience of existence in this one lifetime.

At whatever point you are in this very moment, just remind yourself that it is OK to be there, but know that you have the power within you to change it for the unquestionable quality of your life. Keep reminding yourself, until you remember that you get to define everything in your reality - and it is far easier than you are letting it be.

You Are Not Missing Anything

Quite the opposite of missing anything – by unplugging before it gets out of your control to do so, you will allow yourself to reconnect with the most valuable resource you will ever have – and that is your inner being. Because your inner being speaks your truth and knows how to guide you forward to the most fulfilled version of yourself. All the noise is still going to be there – and all the noise of the outside world is absolutely irrelevant if you have sacrificed to it the most important connection you will ever need and have in your life.

Only in concert with your inner being can you live your full potential. And only then the outside world can impact you and you can impact the world – in a positive way, like you intended before you even came here into this reality. It is nothing short of amazing how the right things come to you when you are connected with your inner truth. Literally, what you thought impossible becomes possible just like that, and you see with greater clarity and think with more logic. You are more yourself than ever before. Can you see the potential when you start growing from that point on?

The Future is So Bright

Inside you there is a whole universe of light and love, my friend. And there is a unique voice, unique story and a unique truth that only you have. To get to it you need a bit of silence and a firm resolve to follow the inner guidance once you tune into receiving it. It will help ground you as much as give you wings. It will keep you in balance of your being like nothing else can. Don’t hesitate today to make that choice and stop the noise that has blurred into one incoherent neon explosion, and choose you. The universe is full of messages that you are ready to hear, messages that you are right now ready to receive, so start listening - tune into that and watch the magic unfold.

There is no end to it, my friend….

Autumn Light in Hever by Katarina Miletic 

Remember – You Are Safe Here

This is the sacred place between our souls. Thank you for sharing your visions, dreams and ideas. Your courage to be vulnerably seen will always be respected, and you will be treated with nothing but kindness and compassion. ♡
