The Beginning After The End

The Beginning After The End

When we least expect it, life tests our willingness to change; at such a moment, there is no point in saying that we are not ready.
Paulo Coelho

Post written by Katarina Miletic  Join my Inner Circle

It would be a great faux pas to exclude from this story the fact that today is 31st December (don’t think that the year will be relevant part of the story). Above everything else I will say, I want you to remember that you being here and reading this matters so much, because this is a place where inspiration, support, and bringing out the best self to the big stage of life are an every day occurrence. You are always welcome, my friend. And I am grateful for the opportunity to share with you the best inside me.

My feeling that we are all wired the same way when it comes to the optimism, and that is the most natural part of us - really gets a confirmation, right about this time of year. Unmistakably. Even the most die hard on the opposite spectrum of positive, will come out of their shell and offer hope for what’s ahead of us. None of us know what’s coming, and for us looking at the life with optimism, it’s less of a big deal, only because we live vast majority of our days as if it’s a New Year tomorrow. But it is so great to see the other clan join us New Year’s Eve after New Year’s Eve with expectation of the most positive things to unfold in the unknown.

As we celebrate the passing of one year (literally celebrate the ending – irrelevant of whether we are filing it under good or could have been better year), we are never more aware that what follows immediately after the end is the new beginning. And we are so sure of it! We know it on New Year’s Eve, so I ask you what is different in any other life situation, on any other given day? Experience has showed us that each time after something ended, something new was born. Ends are the greatest teachers of beginnings. Both are part of life, and our life would be incomplete if it didn’t have this powerful driving force inside us, propelling us to go forward. End is a new bud forming inside a flower that reached the perfect bloom. To go further, we have to keep reaching for the better, and sometimes (always) the end of something is the beginning of the new you. Or at least there is your chance to present the new day, New Year indeed with a new and improved version of you.

Personally, I love the fact that so many of us will express these wishes and expectations for the imminent new beginning, thus creating a phenomenal amount of positive energy.

My wish is for all of us to continue celebrating for the next 366 days (yes, next year is the leap year) – to keep remembering at the end of everything that will inevitably (and naturally) come to an end – remember, my friend, that the end is just a new beginning. And remember to celebrate it.

I do know that some ends are incredibly painful and it may take some time to work through the pain and acceptance before you can see that the reason existed, and the reason is always the same: so that you can become the better, more complete, more compassionate, more human, more soulful, more caring, greater, more sensitive yet even stronger, more valuable, more perfect – version of you. That is always your choice, every day. Today included!

You see, my friend: in life you find what you are looking for. No exception! So, pay close attention to what that is, exactly. Let your heart lead your mind to serve as light and love. Be pure version of who you are, and you will always stay on the right path for you. And when life calls – you will remember that every end is a beginning of new you, should you choose it.

Wishing you a happy New Day tomorrow! And every next one after that! With all the love I have inside my heart.

P.S. If this year was this great, I tremble with appreciation and excitement what the next one is bringing for us, my friend! We are ready!

Enchanted Woodland in Syon Park by Katarina Miletic 

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This is the sacred place between our souls. Thank you for sharing your visions, dreams and ideas. Your courage to be vulnerably seen will always be respected, and you will be treated with nothing but kindness and compassion. ♡
