Understanding Power of Thought
It is no bad thing to celebrate a simple life.
J R R Tolkien
Post written by Katarina Miletic Join my Inner Circle
It is easier to be happy, than to be
unhappy. Being unhappy is a hard and miserable work, and my heart goes to
people who are not aware yet that both are the result of our own creation –
through the thoughts that we think – and continue to think. This is true
whether we are aware of it or not.
This is the sacred place between our souls. Thank you for sharing your visions, dreams and ideas. Your courage to be vulnerably seen will always be respected, and you will be treated with nothing but kindness and compassion. ♡
That said, today is the best day and a
perfect moment to bring our attention to the one thing that powers our
existence and is ultimately resulting in the way we feel about ourselves and
life. Too many of us are stuck in our head, and have identified with our
thoughts. But you are not your thoughts, my friend. There is a far bigger part
of you, the part that is only ever present in this moment, the part that is
reminding you that you are a powerful creator of your existence.
It’s Time to Get Spiritual
You know that you feel this part of you
that I call a soul, which is the
connection between you as you know (up there in your head), and you which is
the part of the universe, part of all there is (and all that ever was, and ever
will be, too). I don’t mean to scare you, if you haven’t spent much time
pondering this (where have you been, my friend?!). That is a little joke, of
course, but I am not joking when I say that you will have to spend a lot more
time paying attention to your intuition, quieting your mind so that you can
notice the thoughts that pop in there and the co-relation between those
thoughts and your life. By this I mean the way you feel, the way things are
working out for you, the way you believe things will always unfold for you -
you are beginning to catch the drift….
The reason you are unhappy is because you
are choosing to be unhappy. I guarantee you that no matter what your situation
is (you know, the one you blame and hold as your excuse for not going after
your dreams), there is another person who has been in a similar situation, but
saw it in a different light, a different way - because they were in control and
command of the thoughts that served them, and got rid of the ones that didn’t,
We all have those thoughts, but some of us
will take a split second and say: Hey,
where did you come from? I have not invited a thought like you, and I choose to
think otherwise. I believe I can, and I know I will…. (fill in the blank –
overcome this; get through this victorious; set a precedent for myself and a
new standard; learn what I have to and do it despite the circumstance; do what
it takes to change the predicted outcome – if that is not something you
yourself want, obviously; etc.)
Call Things by Their Name
In other words – keep it simple. I know - simple is as scary as spiritual, right?
Well, I am going to call it as it is, because the fundamental things in life
are simple, and there is no need to complicate it. This is within everyone’s
reach, we are all equipped with the same potential – but we do have different
belief about ourselves. I am not saying we all have the same gifts, for gifts
inside us are unique – but the potential to realise every dream that we have -
that is the same! Each one of us is limitless in our ability to create an
impact with the gift we have – which is the most passionate part of us.
The big revelation is in the simple,
honest, humble and magnificent truth inside your soul. If you let your soul
guide you through your inner being, you will go all the way after all of your
biggest and smallest dreams. All is absolutely
possible, my friend.
Essential Recap
Immense power lies inside your own
thoughts. Learn that in this life you can
only control these two things: you can control what you think, and you can
control what you do. And unless you control those – they will control you.
So, if I ask you, hand on heart, my
friend, to answer just this one question with a Yes or a No: Are you happy?
Your answer will tell you who is in control: you (as you should be, having very
powerful tools at your disposal), or your thoughts (creating all sorts of
havoc, ups and downs and chaos in your life).
Remember – You Are Safe Here
This is the sacred place between our souls. Thank you for sharing your visions, dreams and ideas. Your courage to be vulnerably seen will always be respected, and you will be treated with nothing but kindness and compassion. ♡
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