For the Gentlest Souls

For the Gentlest Souls

People are often unreasonable, illogical and self centered.
Forgive them anyway. 
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish motives.
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies. 
Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and sincere, people may deceive you. 
Be honest and sincere anyway.
What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight. 
Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous.
Be happy anyway. 
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow.
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. 
Give them your best anyway.
For you see, in the end, it is between you and God;
it never was between you and them anyway.
Mother Teresa

Post written by Katarina Miletic  Join my Inner Circle

I know the pin sharp mind of my readers will have picked up on each and every quote I post before each blog article. There is a reason why I keep that tradition since my very first Pure d’esprit blog post. I want to remind all of us that the wisdom we can call upon, the wisdom that comes to us and is present here with us – is the energy of thoughts that were said and written, lived and repeated, taken further and picked up again. In other words, thoughts are not something we say and it can disappear into oblivion – no, my friend – thoughts are ever-present and we catch them, recognise what’s significant for us in that moment and release them when we are ready. They never disappear – they live alongside us and we live alongside them, picking them up as we align with them.

Important Side Note (I know - already)

Once you bring this to your awareness, it can really serve you well. You will be able to tell which thoughts resonate with you in that moment, and take them further – and drop the ones that don’t resonate with who you are and where you are going. If a thought came to you that would take you off your course of joy, peace and love – just drop it. Yes, you can absolutely drop it and change it at that stage. But be warned: if you start entertaining it and going along with it – it will amplify into something with a strong momentum that you will lose the power to control.

And another strong reason for using the quote at the start is its strong connection with the story I am writing in this moment. Sometimes that connection will be obvious to you, and sometimes it would require you to go deeper – but nonetheless, it will always be in there if you know where to look.

With the great love inside us, let’s pay special attention and remember together Mother Teresa’s words: ‘do it anyway’ and ‘it was never between you and them’. Let’s remember that forever. As we crisscross our path with paths of others, it is inevitable that all sorts of discord and disconnection will be apparent to us and we would have to face it and choose how we deal with it, but in those situations we will know that there is no awareness on the other side. In those moments, not only do we have to keep our own faith and serve as an example, but it is essential for our own connection to remember that our responsibility is with us.

Yes, as we have talked before – taking full responsibility does mean that you are in control of your own thoughts, emotions and choices, thus being able to control your reactions and output – highest of which is love - and also the hardest, when some of the fundamental values are not taken into consideration by each person in the interaction. That interaction can be anything from the casual exchange with a cashier when buying fresh food, to the relationship with loved ones. We show love by being dignified to respond with the highest standard we can hold for ourselves in that moment. We cannot do more. And also, we cannot expect more from others than they are aware that they have in themselves.

So, everyone has the same source of love inside them, but nowhere near that everyone is aware of this. Good news is that their awareness is not our responsibility, but our own is. Having said that - I know that you, my friend, will already appreciate this – just because we choose our thoughts and reactions to the situations in our own life by holding ourselves to the highest standard of love – that does not mean that we can be taken advantage of. (Remember personal responsibility, only if we give permission then this can happen.)

Stay with me for a moment, please: by being highly tuned into the frequency of our inner being, which is pure positive love – we will be highly sensitive and acutely aware in catching all the early tell-tell signs that will take us upstream and make our life unnecessarily complicated, if we go down that path. We don’t need to choose suffering that we willingly subject ourselves to. The trick is in catching the signs, reading those early thoughts and stopping it before it has a chance to steer us off our own course.

The ‘Do it Anyway’ is the Key Part

You are aligned with your inner being - which is pure positive love. Therefore, you are holding yourself in the highest standard. From this place, it’s easy to be doing it anyway. ‘Anyway’ – means regardless of who is watching (and if anyone is watching), regardless of what they are saying, regardless of what you think they are thinking, regardless of anything. You do the right thing, because you are a being of pure light and love, and nothing else resonates with you on the deepest level but to be joyful and happy to be alive, to have this chance to grow and expand the universe within you to a new place – all because of you being a better version of you each day you are here, for as long as that is. Now, that is it – pure happiness.

Take Away Thoughts

Today showed a sign of taking me in an unwanted direction. I identified the thought that isn’t in alignment with who I truly am – so, I chose to rise above it by sitting and writing this to you, instead of exploring the unwanted path. The satisfaction of delivering to you something of value is incomparable in proving to someone that I was right, and wasting an equal amount of time on the dead end emotion and principle. I choose to pour pure love out of my soul to you, my friend – above anything else.

Always stay present for yourself - in the same way you were present with me through these words connecting our souls.

White Orchid and Candle by Katarina Miletic 

Remember – You Are Safe Here

This is the sacred place between our souls. Thank you for sharing your visions, dreams and ideas. Your courage to be vulnerably seen will always be respected, and you will be treated with nothing but kindness and compassion. ♡ 
