

Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment.
Eckhart Tolle

Post written by Katarina Miletic  Join my Inner Circle

You know that moment when it’s just you and the mirror – you looking at the content of your soul – at peace because you know that you have not only given your best, but you have given your all? There isn’t more that it’s in your hands, everything else, everything that remains from this point forward is pure faith, my friend. And you have to trust your faith absolutely.

Indeed, life requires us to go through uncomfortable situations, and through hell itself sometimes. The pain can often seem unbearable, and ever present opportunity to give in, to give up, to choose your inner peace at all cost. And most of the situations in life don’t warrant disturbing your inner peace. Until, every once in a while (just about when you are ready for your next big level of consciousness) there comes a bigger challenge, something new that will call on your strength and courage to go forward. There is no doubt in you that you have to face it eye to its ugly, rogue eye. And the peace will still be in your heart, even though your mind will want to wonder off. Don’t let it get ahead of you.

Your soul is beautiful and pure, and it is so strong that can take you through all of these challenges with dignity, grace and intact integrity. You’re made of the same stuff as your soul, and you should definitely remind yourself of it at this time. For as long as you remember that even though you may be a single voice – you are not alone. You’re never alone, for the only witness you will ever need is with you. Allow the light of love to guide you home to you.

There is no challenge that doesn’t come with the opportunity for you to present the best version of you, my friend. No challenge is equal in strength to the power inside you.

You have already chosen highest standard for you, and life of no regrets. There is nothing to fear, no reason to doubt. It is more than OK, in fact it is necessary in some situations to let your faith walk one step in front of you. All is possible, and nothing is unlikely for you. One voice standing on the side of truth is stronger than the army that isn’t. You can take that literally if you need to. I certainly am!

Mermaid Street, Rye by Katarina Miletic 
Remember – You Are Safe Here
This is the sacred place between our souls. Thank you for sharing your visions, dreams and ideas. Your courage to be vulnerably seen will always be respected, and you will be treated with nothing but kindness and compassion. ♡ 
