Pure Soul

Pure Soul

Walking, I am listening to a deeper way. Suddenly all my ancestors are behind me. Be still, they say. Watch and listen. You are the result of the love of thousands. 
Linda Hogan - Native American Writer

Post written by Katarina Miletic  Join my Inner Circle

Today I want to let you in on a little secret. When I write to you, I am not in my head at all – these words come to you from the inside of my soul. That is the reason I often use words like ‘I know’ with every conviction there is. I don’t think I have ever doubted the resounding ‘I know’ inside my heart, for I know that its source is not my thought, not my mind, but something greater than me.

And the only reason why I wrote the word ‘something’ in the opening statement, is so that you can identify the soul of the universe with your own term. For me, with the absolute clarity of comprehension (not by thoughts, but everything above and beyond them) the creator of everything there is – resides in me, in you, in all of us. When I communicate with you, I am connected with the source of pure love. And I see, address, acknowledge and respect the pure love inside you – irrelevant of where on that road to pure consciousness you are.

You see, we all have it inside us, and more to the point – we all know it inside us. It is only to what degree we are prepared to allow the light from the soul to shine out into the world. And I understand, my friend. It’s scary being completely open, because a lot of people are not there yet, and that is perfectly alright. If you only knew how your heart is capable of loving more intensely, more purposefully, more completely, more unconditionally, more deliberately – each time it gets broken – you would never hold any love back, you’d give your all, all the time! And please understand that by ‘broken’ I do not mean defeated and failed – but prepared to understand that pure love always gets in return the maximum from the heart on the other side of that equation.

You can only grow to your best potential as a human being – by loving. When you refrain from giving pure love (and I mean without any expectation) – you refrain from living.

I invite you to think about this: in the silence of your soul, where you know that all the love in this world (and all the worlds – everything beyond the realm of this life) is inside you, at your fingertips. Love that created universe is beating inside your pulse. Do you think for a split second that you can receive a greater gift than that from anywhere outside you? Creator’s nature is different than human nature, but they are both part of each other. In the awe inspiring moments of greatest inspiration and closeness with that energy – we feel most alive, and we are able to give most love.

Feeling Alone

Sadly, some of our dear friends will feel alone, lonely, unloved. In honouring our own connection, and knowing that we are all part of that pure, positive energy together – let’s do something right now! Let’s look at nature (for it allows every season and all the conditions and elements to touch its great soul, not just the sunshine and mild winds). If you feel alone in this moment, I want you to walk outside, or at least open the window and let the air touch your face. My friend, you are not alone in this moment – we are all here together. Our eyes only see our unique physical beings, and we don’t seem one, but that is not our only awareness, our only consciousness. Our souls know that they are part of the great soul of the universe. All together – we are an inseparable one. You are part of me, and I am part of you – we don’t exist apart from each other.

Allow the love in, as easily as you take your next breath. And allow it out as you exhale. That’s all it takes. No thinking, just feeling, being and loving. Welcome home, my friend. It has been a while, and it’s so nice to have you back….

Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew by Antonije De Souza
Remember – You Are Safe Here
This is the sacred place between our souls. Thank you for sharing your visions, dreams and ideas. Your courage to be vulnerably seen will always be respected, and you will be treated with nothing but kindness and compassion. ♡ 
