Trusting the Process
How did the rose ever open its heart and give to this world all of its Beauty?
It felt encouragement of light against its being. Otherwise, we all remain too frightened.
Hafiz - XIV century Sufi poet
It felt encouragement of light against its being. Otherwise, we all remain too frightened.
Hafiz - XIV century Sufi poet
The natural balance between mind, body and soul that we talked about the other day (read it here if you missed it) is paramount for joyous unfolding of our journey through life. We have already established that we give our own meaning, and determine our measure for success and joy, as these feelings are individual to all of us.
Today, however, we will bring our focus on the meaning of the ‘joyous unfolding’. Our mind, given any chance – will run away way ahead of the present moment, or stay stuck in the past, glorifying the time which only benefits us if we constructively reflect upon happy memories, or some great lessons where we can draw on what that particular experience had taught us as we moved forward. Dwelling for long in either one of those robs us of the pleasure of this moment, which allows us full presence and full enjoyment of the stage we are in. That stage can be half-way to a great dream, or half-way in a healing process, but the point is that present moment allows us to be. It doesn’t expect us to be ‘done with it already’, and it doesn’t lose patience however much we detour – because the soul guiding us knows that every breath is important, and every stage we are in holds in itself the possibility of being the crowning glory of the process – in that moment.
And isn’t that the whole point?
Many of us are living sort of aware that each day is a new gift, and that it may be the last morning we see on Earth. But how many of us will truly live today embracing every single moment, living through one moment at the time, and expressing love in millions of creative ways to all we come in contact with, starting with those closest to us? I will answer that: not many. I occasionally find myself witness to people moaning about the rain if it’s raining – instead of enjoying the day, whichever way it’s unfolding – because that rain will nourish and replenish and make our seeds grow. The rain is part of the process and us being present for it and with it – is a joyous unfolding – if we let ourselves experience it that way.
The mind has this strange concept that everything has to be filed away, done and dusted, accomplished, achieved and fulfilled. It sabotages our enjoyment of the present moment in which we continually move forward and even if we accomplished one thing, we know that we can grow further. And worse, it can make us feel bad if we are at the beginning, or in the middle of that process.
Present moment in which we are content if we take a breath and reconnect with our soul, in solitude (if you can call solitude being connected with the soul of the universe which holds all the souls that ever lived gathered together) just for half an hour here and there - this is an invaluable tool to quiet our mind and gain control over our life.
Our being has a natural flow and rhythm. We are here in this lifetime to enjoy the process of being alive. That process is not regimented in rigid time periods – and only we can know what the tempo is. Just make sure that all aspects of your being remain true to who you know deep down that you are, as well as even greater version of you that you are becoming.
Trust the process, my friend and stay engaged in every moment of this unique life experience. It is all unfolding in perfect order so that when the last moments do come – you can say: Ahhh, what a life that was – and smile! And everyone who was touched by your love will be always comforted by your love, and connected forevermore through the love you shared. Isn’t that the only gift worth giving your loved ones?
Remember – You Are Safe Here
This is the sacred place between our souls. Thank you for sharing your visions, dreams and ideas. Your courage to be vulnerably seen will always be respected, and you will be treated with nothing but kindness and compassion. ♡
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