Your Fan #1

Your Fan #1

I know that I have the ability to achieve the object of my definite purpose in life; therefore, I demand of myself persistent continuous action toward its attainment, and I here and now promise to render such action.
Bruce Lee

Post written by Katarina Miletic  Join my Inner Circle

No, I am not thinking about your mum here. Sorry, mums! You are our natural and best fans - mine is also the person with unspeakable integrity – she stands for justice and truth above all else (Happy Birthday, mama! I just realised it IS her birthday, so since I mentioned her – you might as well join me in celebrating her). Today, my friend, I want to speak to you about the person who has to become your biggest fan, someone who knows you best, who will expect only the best from you, and who will love you through all the learning curves you take. Have you guessed it yet? Do you know who this is?

Yes, I am talking about you! For you have to become the fierce defender of your unique talents, as many will be after destroying your originality. Beware of the messages from teachers who encourage you to model another person. It takes years to re-awaken that this has systematically been happening through school systems and the way we have set up our society. It just allows for it, because we are lazy when it comes to taking our own initiative and standing against the popular belief when our own instincts call us in another direction.

This applies to so many different areas of life, that I will not single out a single example here – instead, I am sure that you can identify where the biggest offenders are for you, in terms of the situations where you have silenced your voice, didn’t speak up when you had a different take on whatever was discussed, observed, or decided. Worst of all, you took advice for your own life when your inner voice told you something else.

I am sure you will easily recall that when you were a child you didn’t have the need to follow someone else. You were quite content with knowing your angle and respecting it. You were even ready and prepared to defend your position, without wanting to persuade the person to take on your view – but just making it clear that your view matched you, as well as theirs matched them. Something changed along the way, and I am not sure it’s for the better.

I am simply putting out a gentle reminder to you that you are the measure of authority when it comes to knowing who you are and what’s the best choice for you. That way, you build your best version, uncluttered (or as cluttered as you wish), but free and authentic to you.

There is no time in life to let these important co-ordinates come from outside you. Your true power is inside you, my dear friend. Please don’t give it away to anyone, or anything else. You have all the answers it takes to create an outstanding destiny, an adventure that will move your soul, a story and a picture that will match who you are 100% and it’s not necessary for anyone else to comprehend it. They get to create themselves, you see.

Please go back to the time you were last fully aware of your uniqueness, when you fully embraced it – and take courage and inspiration from that day to bring the real you (whole, complete, magnificent real you), all of you - back to yourself, and to the world.  You are here to experience all of you. Every hug, all the love, be moved through every tear, breathe the fresh air of the coldest winter morning, and feel the waves wash over your bare feet. Bring all of you to every moment you are alive and stay with the real you for the rest of your happy life.

It’s not going to happen any other way – but when you fully understand you, embrace you and love all of who you really are - then from inside you this love will spill out to everyone else. Average is made every day of the week, but spectacular not so often – once in a while a really bright light shines from inside a human soul. Let it be yours. Allow it in, so that it can burst out of you…. 

Enjoy this life, my friend.

Colourful Roses by Katarina Miletic 
Remember – You Are Safe Here
This is the sacred place between our souls. Thank you for sharing your visions, dreams and ideas. Your courage to be vulnerably seen will always be respected, and you will be treated with nothing but kindness and compassion. ♡ 
