365 Days to Dream

365 Days to Dream

You are always one decision away from a totally different life. 
Unknown, but brilliant nonetheless

Post written by Katarina Miletic  Join my Inner Circle

This, my dear friend, is the ultimate challenge I will be recording here in my daily blog posts to you – and I invite you to join me by setting along the challenge that is the best thing you could do for yourself. By doing it alongside, I guarantee that you will not lack motivation and mindset, as I will be present with you every step of the way.

However, there will be no checking up on you, as the commitment has to be in your hands. If you are someone who thinks you could never achieve something big in 365 days – we don’t need to waste each other’s time here. I am talking to you, my friend, who have perhaps waited a little longer than intended to show yourself how much you think of you, how much you believe in you, and how much you are willing to do in creating the best version of you – the only thing that you deserve to be!

There will be no persuading, just pure energy. Take it, catch it, grab it with both hands right now! The challenge will start soon, by the time I finish writing this post, I will have picked the date, and from that moment on we will be set to go full throttle ahead. I am going to answer some questions as I go, so look for those sub-headlines to guide you to the information you need.

What is the Challenge – wide angle view

It can literally be anything you wish to accomplish within a year. I called it 365 Days to Dream, but you get to define what that means for you, and only you. As an example, I have completed 365 days of cardio work out (it wasn’t even a challenge, just something I set as my new standard last year, bringing my consciousness to what mattered to me). I wanted to feel fitter than ever before, and as I spend a lot of the time standing (painting), sitting (writing and reading), I wanted to make sure I live a well balanced life now that I am self employed (and single as of January 2019).

I didn’t skip a day, because I enjoyed every moment, I felt great and not only made it a habit, but also a choice and a must in my daily routine. After a year had passed, I added daily yoga practice as well. I do these after waking up (and I do not wake up at the crack of dawn to do it, either, but naturally between 7-8 AM), and setting my intention for the day. (More on that separately.) I have also been doing many other daily things, not as a challenge, but as something I adopted as part of growing in the direction where I wish to grow, and I have no intention of stopping these any time soon. I write daily blog posts (Where have you been if you haven’t noticed this?), and I am totally committed to recording my journey through life and success in fine art business in this way, as well as serve those who will benefit from receiving this message.

I have also been doing other things (and this is all in addition to my primary activity which is running of Indigo & Verdigris – fine art and interiors business, daily painting and work on the new aquarelle collection to be released later this spring): taking and editing photographs, styled photo shoots for my business and commission for clients, all promotional graphics for Indigo & Verdigris, running of two FB groups (one about interiors, with daily posts – the other one about creation of a fine art business with a difference), daily posting on many platforms (Pure d’esprit blog, LinkedIn, FB, IG, Pinterest). I have just accepted a challenge to post engaging posts in other groups, not my own (LinkedIn, and FB) on daily basis. That is nothing to do with this challenge we are embarking on – just a mere illustration that it IS possible, my friend – whatever you wish to achieve for yourself.

What is the Challenge – narrowing our focus

The 365 Days to Dream is a challenge to make my 1 bedroom apartment in London, together with a garden, into a show home with a difference. I figured it has to be a challenge, because there is a monumental amount of work to be done, including reducing the volume of objects, completely re-designing the wall and floor space, making the living room a photo studio (which will not be observable by the naked eye), sourcing materials, possibly insulating the place (God knows this has never been done to the property), completely re-designing the outdoor space (not tying myself to any single idea at this point, but keeping few options open).

Budget - £0.00 (or as close as you can imagine)
Aim – contemporary design with strong classic elements
Materials – natural, repurposed
Time – restricted, hence the need for adhering strictly to 365 days
Plan – accountability through daily progress recording
Bonus – if I can inspire someone that anything is possible, I am game

Individual Challenge – further examples

This is achievable, whatever your goal, my friend. Whether you want to do more soul work, focus on your health and wellbeing, learn something new (cooking, baking, a new language or a discipline), or simply learn to love yourself more - this is your moment.

Start Line

So, here we are. Since I have already decided on this (and I took maybe three-four days - maximum), I think it’s fair to give you a few days to think about it, and join me on Tuesday 10 March 2020 to officially begin this challenge.

The Epiphany

And we haven’t even started, my friend! Now you know what I mean about the energy. (This whole paragraph wants to be written in Italic, and every sentence wants to end with the exclamation mark, naturally!)

Look at the paragraph above the last, in ends with words: This is Your Moment. These words are what I have titled my brand new podcast (about three weeks ago), but I haven’t started recording it yet, as I felt I should hold just for a little bit until the ideas become clear. Oh, my goodness! I have just realised that this is the moment, that the subject should be our challenge. I will have it set up in time to connect with you ahead of the challenge start date.

Somebody Stop Me

Having covered the main thing, I don’t think that we need to discuss any more details right here. I will leave you to think about, and please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have – in any capacity you wish to join me – either as a participant, bringing your own challenge to the game (hopefully), or as a spectator, observer, supporter of my challenge (very appreciated, but not entirely necessary, as we do have the capacity to do both: undertake our greatest challenge by showing up for ourselves, and support each other by showing up together).

There, I said all it was important to say here and now.

As a Final Thought

Just if I can further inspire you to push yourself in the unknown, but possible and exciting accomplishment in the next year -In my daily covering of the challenge, I will be recording these three crucial things:

1.     Progress made (this can be practical, research, thinking, preparation….)
2.     Feeling (sharing how we feel about the progress made that day, crucial to staying aware, remaining mindful and sticking to it)
3.     Intention (brief intent for the next day)

Honestly, it’s easier when you look at it as one small step in the right direction every single day, than a massive goal which always makes your mind jump to the forbidden words: But HOW will I….?

Need More?

You need to believe, and furthermore to know that it IS possible for you to achieve every one of your dreams, even the huge ones, and it is not necessary to know the entire road before you set out on a journey. But it is necessary to be willing to make the first step by yourself, for yourself. You don’t need me to tell you that. Let’s do this! You have it in you, my friend. I will talk to you in the comments and messages.

Thank you so much, like even more than ever before – for reading this post. Ready? Of course you are!

Pembroke Lodge in Richmond Park by Katarina Miletic 
Remember – You Are Safe Here
This is the sacred place between our souls. Thank you for sharing your visions, dreams and ideas. Your courage to be vulnerably seen will always be respected, and you will be treated with nothing but kindness and compassion. ♡ 
