Catch the Positively Creative Vibe

Catch the Positively Creative Vibe

If you love yourself fully and truly, you will have no other choice but to love all people the same.

Post written by Katarina Miletic  Join my Inner Circle

Throughout our connection and communication, by now I really know that most of you reading this will be tuned into our natural positivity, and that will help anchor us in times of storm.  We know, that like the seasons in nature, our life consists of cycles and constant movement and change – which I like to see as a dance (because we all move in our own rhythm, and sometimes we speed up, sometimes we slow down, some steps take us forward, some slightly shift us to the side or one back, just to adjust – and then forward again).

Instead of looking at the outside causes, rest assured that these changes and these cycles have been here before (even if we haven’t lived them), and they are here now, and they will most possibly be here forever (even if we are no longer here). All of that is natural, and on some level – deeper than our intellectual knowing – on a level of soul, we intuitively know that this is perfectly fine. Difficulties and changes in lifestyle don’t necessarily signal that the end of life is here. No doubt the end of this lifetime will come one day, but that is not the main subject of our meeting today. If we are still here, our mission is not complete. Richard Bach talks so beautifully, and profoundly about Illusions of our entire life experience. If you are moved to read it, please get it (it’s one of the most impactful books you will ever read).

Having established that every day here in this lifetime is a gift and a chance to create a new story, to allow the miracle of all sorts of magic and blessings to come down on us like a forest rain, heavy and thick and warm with meaning – we also have to bring to our awareness the fact that within us is the power to create our own reality the way we want to live it. I stand as a living proof behind that statement, and I personally know people whose souls are lit up with peace and joy and they constantly allow the universal love to flow to them and through them to everyone else. When you are anchored in love that way, no storm of this lifetime can sweep you away, my friend. The circumstance will always be right for you to live your true purpose, the only question will always remain will you choose to live it, or shut the door to your soul and try desperately to cling to fragments of love that remain in the free spaces between your heart and your mind.

That invitation will always be there, love will always hold you, even when you don’t allow it to flow through you – to catch you one day when you are tired of your struggle.

People often call life struggle. Struggle is not the difficulties of life and circumstances and cycles we live through and use to shape our perception and uplift our spirit and create the better version of us emerging on the other side of it…. No, that is pure joy when you trust the process and believe that we are never alone, that the hand that created the universe is helping each one of us, guiding us, loving us and holding us safe. ALWAYS. That love is never not there. It’s always by our side, even when we turn away from it. Now that is the beginning of real struggle – thinking that we are alone, left, disconnected. In those dark moments of the soul we don’t even have power to love ourselves, let alone be the light for each other. That, my friend, is the struggle by choice. Unconscious and unwanted choice, but still the choice you made, perhaps even today. That is why today may seem scary and even unbearable. And my heart really, truly goes out to you if you feel like that reading this.

Today, the world is facing uncertainty, and I know that small the number of us is comfortable in those times. Because we choose to trust that everything has a meaning in the bigger picture, and we believe that we are positioned to be here and now because this is where we need to be in order to create the better outcome, and we feel secure inside our connection with the source energy. More than anything love inside us is reassuring us that all is well, and always will be – even if it’s changing, challenging, uncertain. Therein lies the opportunity of us accepting the blessing and creating a great outcome, or not – just choosing to shut down. Both options are available and always will be. And the choice will always be ours to make. 

Indeed, I would much rather be painting or reading right this moment, and telling you about those things. But, I am sitting here because something inside me tells me to be here with you and for you, no matter what I’d rather be doing. And I trust that voice – more and above anything else in this world. That is the voice of pure love guiding me and allowing me to pour its love in your direction too. The love I have inside me is not mine to keep. Oh, I have more than enough joy in my heart, I cannot express gratitude with words any more (and never could fully, no matter how much I tried), but with pure joy. And I trust that the creator knows my appreciation because the love continues to bless everyone in whose direction I turn. And I am here with you every day, as promised. And will remain here. Even if I started writing this blog in part for my own record of thoughts and experience, now I am content that I no longer do it for me, but for you. I will remain strong in my connection, so that I can be of help to you when you feel you need a friend. And a sister.

P.S. I did say what’s ahead is suitable only for dragons….

* * * * The Update – 348 Days to Dream * * * * 

I dont know if we had Calm as word of the day before, but today the peace and calm inside me is so strong that I think I can even physically see it radiating from me. That is a first, that I am actually aware of it. Usually this is something people tell me they feel from me. I just need to record that here, as part of the promise to give you my all in the present moment, and that is a huge part of today.

The whole vibe of this day is incredibly peaceful and light energy of creating. And I have been creating all morning, from that place. For the happiness inside the home, I recommend baking – that was inspired by the above feelings, and then the effect of it is incredible. The tangible sensation of this delicious aromas of vanilla and walnuts fills every corner of the space around me, as well as inside me. J

Today I was inspired to collect more things that will go into the catalogue and I hope to take photographs of them in the garden in the second half of the afternoon, and this evening I am getting out the first box of kids keepsake clothes. The intention of keeping them all these years is to create a wonderful memory quilts for both my son and my daughter. These were sitting in the box for the last nine years. Each piece was selected and saved for the purpose of creating something beautiful they will have to keep forever – and me, as long as I am here, I will actually recognise the pieces of fabric and remember them when they were small. We have such a strong bond, I dont often go back, but perhaps I will make more conscious intention to look occasionally through those old albums and tell them more stories of the time before their memory became active, but that I know they enjoyed. I will share the progress of this story with you, as its part of the 365 Days to Dream.

The above covers the feeling in the first part, but I just want to add here that I am so proud to be connected with my friends who are thinking creatively, creating actively and staying connected with our energy. It makes me genuinely happy to be doing this together and please, please, whenever you have the chance, share your daily wins with me, or post below. Thank you for this special time in our lives.


I don't often say it, so I will use this now: tomorrow will see much of the similar activity. I am staying with my feeling at the moment. There are several smaller projects wrapped up within this bigger home renovation project, and on any given day I follow my feeling as to which one I will be making progress on. They all have to move forward, so remaining with the flow and changing it up seems a good way forward for now. Please stay tuned and tell me if you are maybe now starting to think what you can do to grow into better version of you, to push yourself a little further into creative process.

Dungeness Sky by Katarina Miletic 
Remember – You Are Safe Here
This is the sacred place between our souls. Thank you for sharing your visions, dreams and ideas. Your courage to be vulnerably seen will always be respected, and you will be treated with nothing but kindness and compassion. ♡
