Deep in their roots all flowers keep the light.
Theodore Roethke
Theodore Roethke
Post written by Katarina Miletic Join my Inner Circle
At different stages of our journey – different things will be resonant with our higher self. Forcing anything to be there when it simply isn’t (yet) is a futile exercise which will not produce any joy, nor give any result. However, keeping our focus firmly on aligning with our inner guidance will ensure that we are finely tuned to receive signals which we will be ready to interpret and understand completely on the level of intuitive intelligence – signals which will help us become a better version of self.
There are many distinctions and nuances on every level and aspect of our being. Yes, sometimes it is available to us to jump to the higher level, but there should be no judgment on self when we repeat an experience, as we can gather more information, realise something subtle that we have missed the first time around, or go deeper and wider into the perspective. These are useful tools to have in one’s spiritual toolbox and they will be necessary for the journey that is ahead. It’s useful to remember to come from a place of appreciation and trust of the things we cannot see from our single viewpoint, but our inner being has the bigger picture in view. Its gentle guidance is the most accurate measure of the path and the direction forward.
Remember to be gentle with yourself, but keep it real. Always real, present and loving. In your awareness of the present moment, it is easier to know the depth of this journey and to be in awe of it. Accept yourself as the extension of source, as you are and follow your intention to realise your highest potential. You will keep remembering it in increments, most likely. Have faith in innately knowing the process of going deeper into true self and merging more and more with the creator state, with togetherness, unity, oneness – and see that the separation is the illusion within this dream. Regard it lightheartedly - seriously as it commands such deep, humbling appreciation and pure love - but gently enough to realise that it is all part of the cosmic play, part of the magic of life – unfolding in a perfect, precise and intelligent order. Enjoy your part in the grand picture.
Above all, listen for that inner resonance and trust it. Let it guide you and enjoy the journey into becoming light.
* * * * The Exclusive Update – 297 Days to Dream * * * *
What a beautiful day of presence in every moment. Those days are to be cherished. When it comes to family, I haven’t even begun expressing how grateful I am – because the words are never adequate enough. But, I trust that God knows exactly the sentiment felt (even if we have chosen to forget why we are here together, and then discover it bit by bit – in the most profound and magical ways).
I’ve realised that as many times as we have reinvented and redesigned our homes – equal to that would be the number of garden designs and layouts – from open-air swimming pools to indoor pools, from summer houses to building Japanese style bridges over the two fish ponds, from conservatories to landscaping, from stone art to zen gardens, from the green grass of home to city paved garden with the entire vegetation in planters. We love gardens, and we love creating them. So, it was a joy today looking at the old photos and then spending time in the garden and in the ideas file – planning how we want the garden to present itself as a dream at the end of 365 Days to dream – home renovation project. Stay tuned to find out more.
Today’s feeling is pure appreciation and awe of everyone and everything that is part of my life. I have especially been blessed with people, family and friends. My path seems to cross with the most interesting, inspiring and good souls. As if it’s pure magic. Only – it’s better, because ‘as if’ is not needed in that statement. Pure bliss, magic, love and light. I’m also particularly happy I get to share this journey with you, right here and now – we are united by these words inside this story. I am telling you my story, but you are reading your story through my words. That’s a powerful co-creation combination right there. Another intention from beyond the reach of our memory, my dear friend.
Can you guess why am I so excited about tomorrow? I think you might not need three goes! Yes, tomorrow is dedicated solely to painting, because I got done 90% of the things I wanted to accomplish before I start the new painting. I am content that I applied my best, enjoyed every second and the new week starts with the brand new challenge. Every painting in the new (come-back) collection of aquarelle paintings is taking me a step further, somewhere where I have not been before, not in the way that painting wants me to explore. I can feel my heart beating faster as I write these last few sentences. The pure joy of meeting with your deepest understood purpose for being, coupled with the readiness and courage to take it a step beyond – a magic combination. Well, the word, the feeling, the magnificence of magic takes the place right next to the appreciation and awe.
A good place to start a new week!
Remember – You Are Safe Here
This is the sacred place between our souls. Thank you for sharing your visions, dreams and ideas. Your courage to be vulnerably seen will always be respected, and you will be treated with nothing but kindness and compassion. ♡
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