Vibrant & Luminous – Life With a Difference

Vibrant & Luminous
Life With a Difference

Style Saturday Series
Post 21

Post written by Katarina Miletic  Join my Inner Circle

Vibrant and luminous are two qualities innate to who you are. If you do not feel with your entire being that you are embodying them as we speak, I want you to ask yourself ‘Why am I choosing to be bland and dull?’ Because, A – it is your choice, and B – nobody and nothing can stand in the way of you expressing the true colours and radiant light of your soul – through everything you are, everything you do, everything you touch.

The beauty and the perfection of the creation are hidden beyond knowing its meaning – which does not imply that its meaning is beyond our reach. The meaning and nature of life are subtle, but they generate a steady stream of light, love and joy. If you are trying to live against your nature – you will not be feeling nor seeing these as I write them here. That is your indicator that you have steered yourself away from the alignment with everything that is natural to your being, and you have adopted as your reality something that is a life-long upward journey of struggle, keeping up, worry, fear, uncertainty…. I think there is no need to go further – you get the point.

Why do I make statements like these? Because I am here, in this life, to show the forgotten (less popular it seems, but completely fulfilling) way of being – as in staying true to the authentic joy which is unquestionably and undeniably innate to all of existence. Do you know what comments I hear about my home from anyone who is visiting? It’s as if they rehearsed it: ‘Wow, I have never seen a home like this ever in my life!’ And that is not so much because of any premeditated and staged look – designed to cause a gasp – no, it’s much more a reaction they can’t hold back, a genuine resonance with something deep within. They feel the harmony my soul is in, they feel the peace and calm of the real perfection of life as it is – they feel the intelligence connecting it, without being obvious, but it is nonetheless powerfully present.

Sure, my home is a reflection of me, but it’s far beyond a colour and design choice – it’s the reflection of every one of us because it’s created in harmony with our nature. It’s the free expression of one’s soul, guided by the higher self always – with my full faith that there is nothing missing in its expression of the perfection of love and light – as they are all of us. We are made of love and light. That’s why they always feel like home. Because they are home.

Let’s Sum it Up

So, go ahead, by all means, knock yourself out chasing elusive dreams, defending false ideas, copying and envying the same false beliefs in someone outside yourself, competing and making sure they are not one foot ahead of you. Do you really believe this is an easy way of being? Do you know how much energy that takes from you? Even writing this small paragraph feels so unnatural to me, but it’s there to illustrate the point.

See, when you are clear on what’s true – when you call things by their real name – your behaviour changes, you become clear, and the shift into being who you are happens instantly. You always have this direct way of aligning with the source, which is easier than clinging on to false beliefs and punishing yourself by perpetuating the pain. Wake up to see that your dream can be your reality – just like that.

And your home and you will radiate love and light, naturally! Not someday, not tomorrow, not when you have worked hard for it, not when you have a,b,c – no! You are one with source right now…. Enjoy the rest of your life.

Designer in Residence, Download your FREE eBook by KM of Indigo & Verdigris

* * * * The Exclusive Update – 298 Days to Dream * * * * 

It has always been obvious to me that I do in a single day more than most people, even more than 2-3 people put together. But still, I had allowed this feeling of I could be doing more – to creep in sometimes (yes, most times). What changed? I called myself out for doing that. I paid attention and I saw the pointlessness of it. So, however much I accomplish in any given day – it is governed and guided by my inner being, who – by description – has access to the broader perspective and sees always the bigger picture. So, I have given myself permission to be satisfied at the end of each day with what I had done, rather than focus on what else I could have done if I cracked the whip. I am laughing at myself now, because just calling it what it is – makes me see how ridiculous and funny it is.

Having said that, today was a day dedicated to cleaning (fridge and bed linen, and floors and bathroom, and dusting all surfaces). It feels cleansing for the soul also to participate in those activities. That time also gives me a wonderful opportunity to go over my current design projects and elaborate on some ideas that I have been creatively playing with in the last two weeks.

The feeling of this day is grateful joy. Enjoying what I am doing and preparing for tomorrow when the whole family will be together. I like these times of quiet, contemplative and humbling perspective, juxtaposed by the exuberant energy of three here and three more here via Skype – that is always joyful, full of laughter, sharing of stories and whatever the mood inspires on the day.

I have already gone into the details of tomorrow. Its a continuation of my sons birthday week celebrations (we like to celebrate over a few days, just because!).

You may have noticed that This is Your Moment podcast has taken a break. It is funny how the technical glitch brought into the full view the fact that the podcast is imagined with a lot of interaction, like a radio show more than a monologue. So, I am refining the vision and I will let you know here as soon as we resume, hopefully with a LIVE broadcast. Until then, you have the daily updates right here, my friend.

Remember – You Are Safe Here
This is the sacred place between our souls. Thank you for sharing your visions, dreams and ideas. Your courage to be vulnerably seen will always be respected, and you will be treated with nothing but kindness and compassion. ♡
