Being: Pure & Simple

Being: Pure & Simple

We all want quiet. We all want beauty.... We all need space. Unless we have it, we cannot reach that sense of quiet in which whispers of better things come to us gently.
Octavia Hill

Post written by Katarina Miletic  Join my Inner Circle

The lesson in observing life - learning to be: without expectation (especially avoid expecting negative things, or - saying it in a clearer way - things you don’t like) and letting everything delight you. It will if you let it. Keep reminding yourself that you are creating the movie of your life - you are writing the script - quite literally. Don’t let that scare you - let it lift you up. Because up is where you belong, and who you truly are.

Learned things will slow you down if you are not used to building them into you, evolving, growing, and letting go of old in order to expand with the new. Observe around you, but mostly within you - always within you - and never dwell. Don’t insist on your stubbornness. Things keep happening because your higher self keeps reminding you and bringing into your experience and focus everything you wished to learn. Stop resisting it, because when you resist your life experience - you are resisting your wiser, higher self. Trust the deeper level of your being which is calm, unaffected, and at ease with all-there-is. On that level, you know that all is always well - all there is can only be always well. 

Keep your perspective aligned with the truth inside you and you also will feel peace and bliss of this state. Give up trying to control that which you never came here to control. Instead - just be. Being really is pure and simple (as in the actual state of being, not its definition and description). It is the tendency to describe and understand from the outside of the pure state of being where everything gets warped, and the harder you grip - the more you lose the grip on everything that matters to you the most. That is how we overlook and abandon the very thing holding us together (from within) - which is always lovingly waiting for us to come back to ourselves. 

Setting the highest standard and expectation of yourself is your birthright - it’s who you are. In your essence, you breathe as one with the creator of the universe. But when you distort the picture and expect the circumstances (instead of you!) to have the leading role, then you have it back to front, my friend - and the harder you are on yourself, the further away you move from the alignment with your consciousness. And you get reminded of it. Every single day. And then more frequently if you insist upon ignoring it. Every single moment of every single day. How does that make you feel? Don’t worry - you will eventually grow really tired of the self-created struggle of stubbornness and righteousness - and it will all come flooding back. That is the moment worth everything you may be putting yourself through right now. 

I’m just reminding you there is a far easier, direct, and more powerful way of being. Inside your truth. (You will know it if you feel good reading this!) And the best thing of all is that you don’t need anyone to lead you there - your heart knows the way. But when are you going to believe You? 

* * * * The Exclusive Update – 253 Days to Dream * * * * 


The needle has moved on the home renovation project. There have been several smaller projects started and completed. If you remember the talk of the wood oil and a certain dining room table, then you know what I am talking about. And a certain little jewellery box. I could not believe my luck with the weather last week, so I wasted no time, not a minute, my friend. I jumped straight to it. The temperatures rose in London to near 30 (and maybe above it on certain days), the dust and heat did not resemble English summer, and neither did my garden. My brother referred to it as the Mediterranean Week. I have documented this in photographs, and it will be interesting to see it when everything comes together. There is no point showing you the before pictures when I haven’t yet taken the after photographs. They are always more interesting together, aren’t they? 

I don’t know where or how the energy lasted, but I am still going strong. And that it not all I have been up to. 7-day training with the best coach in the world, huge commitments have been completed, and I am talking total immersion, hence the quietness on the blog. And - as with everything in life - it’s so much more fun and more true to oneself to keep checking in with the higher self and see if the intentions from the beginning of the challenge are still true. Of course, I had already done the inner work before starting, so it is very much still in alignment with my journey, only minimal shifts are needed to keep clarifying and crystallising and making it purer and closer to the dream.

So, the mental, emotional, and physical energy fully engaged - the furniture projects were a success. If you ever think about using wood oil, I would recommend it wholeheartedly. Do the proper research and know what look and feel and the level of protection you want to achieve. I chose pure, clear, mineral oil (which is antibacterial and apt for kitchen worktops) by Ronseal. It is one of their new products and it works a treat. Like a dream to apply and the result (I used it on solid oak, solid teak, and hardwood of unknown origin). Every single thing looks beautiful. The grain is showing and it’s waterproof - soft sheen. Just so elegant and pure. Exactly on point for what I was going for.


Feelings of the last week have all been on the spectrum of the highest vibrational state. The sheer drive and power to get it all done, to keep going on my projects and one the commission work for a client, as well as booking a couple of interviews for the podcast (really looking forward to this Sunday - make sure to tune in, my friend, as I am introducing a person of phenomenal energy to you), another potential collaboration with someone I greatly admire, and even more than can fit into these lines. My life is saturated with gratitude and optimism and constant, constant work on self-improvement. I don’t want to live a day of this life where I have not brought the best possible version of me right here. That is a commitment and dedication for as long as I live and breathe. And gratitude, appreciation, and love are the states of my being. There is no going back. All the boats have been burned. We are taking this island, my friend.


I have just hinted above so many exciting things lined up. I am not going to spoil it for you by talking too much. Just watch this space. Stay connected to stay inspired and keep freeing deeper levels of you. Start believing in possibilities in front of you, because I am never going to stop talking and reminding you of how brilliant you are. Don’t settle for less than your very best. Are you bringing it, my friend? Just do it. It’s not that hard to fly, but you can spend a life scared on top of that cliff, or somewhere safe looking up at the top to all of those who take off and spread their wings. There is no difference between what is possible for them and for you - only what you believe. 

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