Frida Kahlo
Post written by Katarina Miletic
There is one part of our day that determines the quality of the entirety of its remainder. You’ve guessed it, of course. That part is a very, very small window in actual measurable time - but you feel it for a split second with all of your consciousness. That tiny moment between awakening and opening your eyes - that is the moment of love and gratitude like no other, my friend. If you seize that moment - you have conquered your day in the best way.
My first thought of every day is: Thank you! I say this fully aware that I am alive and that I get another chance to bring the best version of me to the world. That really, truly makes me smile from ear to ear. It’s a nice way to start the day. And it only gets better from here.
What follows is a set of choices, a decision, a promise, and a commitment to the highest Self - a series of habits developed to best prepare me to win each and every day. For me, winning is being the best me I could be, giving my energy unreservedly and equally to everyone I encounter in my day (to the point where they have no option but to acknowledge it - it’s that prominent and radiant from my soul). I am only interested in attracting the best that the creation has to offer - and the best rises to meet me during my day. Don’t make a mistake and start thinking or focusing on things that aren’t going well - instead, I strongly advocate knowing what you want from your day and focusing all your energy on moving even the smallest step closer to that vision.
The standard you set for yourself has to be the highest standard you can imagine - and be. Then everything else can only reflect that back to you. It doesn’t happen the other way round - don’t wait to be loved in order to love - don’t wait to be appreciated, understood, or established in order to offer appreciation, understanding, and admiration for others. Remember there are really no others outside you - every other self is yourself crystallising and purifying every part of your whole being (which by far surpasses every boundary held by your individual body and soul). Merge your consciousness instead with the highest Self you can reach and feel the unity - operate from that place inside you - be, truly embody the spirit that you are. Stay free and vast.
Make no mistake - stop shrinking yourself to the dimensions of a human being - you are much more than that! Embrace it with your spiritual intelligence. Yes, you can! (Just for further clarification: the mistake is persisting in thinking something that does not make you feel good. That only means you are not in alignment with how your higher Self sees that same thing. Correct it by trusting your inner guidance. It cannot lead you astray. It is forevermore dedicated to the highest good there is. And you are not apart from it - in fact, you are at the centre of it. Act like it.)
What I am taking paragraphs to describe takes seconds in measurable increments of human time, but its impact in the ripples of eternity (which is timeless) can make a difference of night and day, of heaven and hell - literally. Be wise. (You ARE wise beyond what you think you know, my friend, just act like it - that’s all.)
When you wake up, spend a few minutes in connection and alignment. Don’t think unless thoughts are easy and naturally flowing, remain fluid, malleable, expansive. Let your state of being take over, rather than forcing it in any shape or form. Stay open like this. These few precious moments in unity with All-There-Is are invaluable for the day ahead.
After this, you can tend to your personal hygiene and have a drink of lemon and water - however you like it (warm, cold or hot - it will do you good!). I have been taking a teaspoon of natural honey, allowing it to slowly melt in my mouth for many years now. I have never had problems with my immune system (apart from a few occasions when I really allowed my stress levels to go extraordinarily high - this happened 2-3 times during my demanding corporate career). I do believe natural honey has some good, healing properties and in any case cannot harm.
Immediately after this, I do my cardio (20-40) minutes, followed by yoga (20-50) minutes. They both depend on intensity, day, inspiration coming from the body, etc. I am in tune with how I feel, so I listen to the inner guidance and really enjoy this time - again - free of any forced or obsessive thinking, worry, or anything other than the inspirational, uplifting, positive and connected state of being.
Do I need to tell you how this makes me feel? I often catch myself grinning through the entire practice, and certainly finish with a huge smile, feeling the benefit of the time I allowed myself to nourish my spirit and dedicate my day to the best possible outcomes for myself and everyone I come to contact with.
The exercises are followed by a shower and a fresh breakfast: celery with a different fruit each day (grapes, apple, blueberries, cucumber, tomatoes - don’t let my imagination stop yours here)….
30-60 minutes after breakfast I usually have a small cup of coffee. Not strong, but that is just my preference.
Then, my friend, I go full in - my creative mode takes over the day. I surrender to the work I am called to do, following the plan for the day, responding to messages, dealing with enquiries, working on my business as much as in my business throughout the day. When I paint, I have everything else switched off - and that goes for any creative type of work as well.
I stay focused on the task at hand, and there is a lot during one day that I can accomplish - always giving myself flexibility in those creative activities between the appointments and set calendar obligations. No two days are ever the same, even though my waking up routine remains non-negotiably dedicated to soul work.
I share this hoping it can help inspire you to drop the unimportant and pointless habits - and replace them instead with a body-soul-mind nourishing time you give yourself at the start of your day. The years of rushing, being first in the office and the number of times I skipped to prioritise the soul at the beginning of my day - have taught me a lesson, one I have embraced and intend to keep for the rest of my days.
I have changed the old disempowering and soul-crushing and self-punishing story of: “I’m so busy, I don’t have even five minutes in my day for me!” - to the empowering must of believing that only if I love and look properly after all aspects of myself - I can truly offer all of my love to everyone else. Because, my friend - we cannot truly love another if we don’t show that same love to ourselves.
Wishing you so much joy on your journey! Wishing you to embrace the power of soul-nourishing work and truly caring for your own state of being. I give you my practices to help inspire you to love yourself more. I love you that much!
* * * * The Exclusive Update – 225 Days to Dream * * * *
Seeing that so much of the above was from a personal exercise book, as it were - I don’t need to elaborate much in this section today. The home renovation project part of the 365 Days to Dream is slowly, but surely, taking shape among all other happenings in life and in business. The ideas I initially envisioned, and the family helped me shape into goals, are ranking high on our favourite topics at the moment. I do remember the promise to share the progress with you, and I will as soon as the things become sharable, and you can see the difference between A and B. At the moment, we have drawings, narrowed down ideas and the list of resources, products to use, reviews, materials (don’t have everything calculated as to the exact quantities), but I am researching heavily at the moment through reclamation yards and similar type of websites and listings. If you have something interesting to share in this respect, please be my guest. Otherwise, I will update you accordingly.
One super cool thing to note: I had a surprise phone call from Etsy today where they have complimented Indigo & Verdigris Etsy shop (click here to visit) and gone in-depth how they can support me in growing the business on their platform. That was one of the day’s highlights for sure!
The feeling around this period in time and in my life is absolute bliss. Everything I am doing and creating comes from the place of complete alignment with who I am, so from the state of the natural harmony of my being - everything seems to be unfolding effortlessly. No, that doesn’t mean hard work and elbow grease, and warming up the chair are non-existent - but what it means is: there is no struggle and striving, efforting and willing something into being, going against the stream. Instead, everything is challenging enough to keep me on my toes, but because I am embracing the whole experience - the mindset around it is allowing me such joy in every part of creating this dream into reality. I am so grateful for this.
So many exciting things happening with the podcast and Indigo & Verdigris Vintage project. It's all a thrilling ride. Tomorrow I have the greatest pleasure in meeting the photographer Vasi Siedman who is fast becoming one of my personal friends, not just a business relationship. She is so rich with a zest for life and positive energy, I am sure we will have a great conversation and that you will enjoy the next episode of This is Your Moment podcast. That’s all I am saying for now…. Stay tuned - you are in for a treat! I am doing my best to find the most inspiring guests to present to you, my friend.
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