When Belief Becomes Knowing
You stop being average the day you decide to become a Champion, because the average person won't make that decision.
Tom Hopkins
Post written by Katarina Miletic - Join I&V Written
That must have been some lucky star shining on that early evening of 5 July 1971 over Belgrade when I was born. The intention for this life must have been set way before I arrived, as its impact started to happen and unfold prior to my awareness of life and self.
I could write a book in how many ways I have been lucky, and although that book would leave you quivering with reverence - fascinating as it may be, it is not necessary for what I perceive and call ‘luck’ is something we are all abundantly steeped in.
You’re guessing: it is the fixation of wanting to control the uncontrollable that holds us from knowing our true power and recognising magic within and without.
Perhaps the luckiest circumstance was the guiding soul of my big brother who I was lucky enough to have in my life for 33 years. I know that he was minding the star alignment that day, as he continued to do while he was here sharing this life with us, and he carried on shining his light long after his physical departure from it.
You see, love is here ever-present. We find it inside us so easily and it stays connecting us irrelevant of the realm our soul is in. Love is not born and it cannot die. Love is never lost. How can something that infinity is made of disappear? Do you see a glimpse of how far we have taken our illusion that something can be lacking, that something goes away, that we lose something?…. That, by the nature of things, is false and if that alone doesn’t make you feel infinitely better, you might have a while to go before you get that insight.
So, the awareness and love were born with me - within me, I carried them here into this life so effortlessly. They are inseparable from who I know myself to be.
Although this was easy for me to put in words, it wasn’t always easy to understand intellectually. To be honest with you, even I could not comprehend it with my mind. Love is a matter of heart and soul, and our true intelligence lies beyond the comprehension of our mind alone. I think it’s safe to say we agree on that point since we started our Pure d’esprit journey together - you and I.
Can you imagine what luck a girl had to have an adoring brother whose wit and intellect clearly bled outside the border of his skin? He was always much more than this beautifully loving image of a human being. I want you to understand that this radiant love extended from his being towards everyone else the same way. There are no accurate words for describing this. That is the love that united us always and that is the only love I know how to recognise, give, and receive. To me, there is no other love outside the unconditional love we were born with. Period.
Tiny Side Note (of huge proportions which cannot be ignored)
Things get muddled in life (to put it mildly) when you decide to pursue earthly versions of love. When you try and confine that love to a timeline of one single life, and tie it in various ways and with different definitions to limiting views of a single human perspective. You catch my drift? A recipe for disaster. But without the melodrama, the only reason that had to be mentioned is that it’s OK to take life outside the beaten track and examine. It will self-correct, having experienced together with your higher self the theme you came here on a unique mission to explore.
Word of a warning: that can take a decade or two to get out of your system.
Back with today’s story, after the introduction, I am positive that you can see how easy it was for me to stay a believer. But through many profound messages, my big brother blessed my life with, there is one that stands out and shines as brightly as his pure light of love. I have to tell you, even though I was 13 years younger in human years, he always considered me spiritually to be on the same playing field. In many other areas of life, his outstanding intelligence and the age and maturity advantage towered over me, but when we had spiritual conversations we both had a lot of insights to give to each other.
In one conversation like that (extending long into the next day), he gave me this pearl of wisdom. Having seen my unwavering belief, he observed that I only labeled it as ‘belief’ when I was intellectualising my instincts into thoughts and translating them to words, but when I allowed my soul to speak, I used the word ‘I know’ rather than ‘I believe’. He spotted this subtle distinction with such accuracy that it left me speechless. That was one of the biggest realisations of my life. Of course, we both knew that the choice of word ‘know’ was not random, but very conscious and that it bypassed my intellectual understanding and spoke directly from the ‘knowing’ part of me. That indicated alignment.
The reason this story came out today is because I live from a conscious place of true alignment with my higher self now more than ever before. There are things in life which we just know, my friend. I want you to pay attention to that same awareness inside you. That voice will never guide you to shrink down, think small or settle for less than the reason why you are living your life story. If you are happy, then pay no attention to my words. You’re already doing it! But if you feel something hasn’t quite clicked for you in life if you have this unmistakable feeling that there is more to life, there is something else you have to discover - then I lovingly encourage you to stay connected. And speak when you feel compelled to do so. I am here. And I hear you. This story was for you! With all the love in the universe - for you….
* * * The Exclusive Update – 197 Days to Dream * * * *
Read the original post 365 Days to Dream Challenge right here*
I hope you felt this as much as I did yesterday: I knew I wanted to come back and write to you every day. Yes, life is deliciously busy - but this is our thread of connection, our lifeline. I am grateful for the impulse, and the undoubted urge to be here with you, to offer you my story to use as an anchor, as the guiding light to ignite yours and keep it shining in any place you find yourself in today. I am by your side….
Just a little reminder, 365 Days to Dream Challenge is giving space to another personal challenge this week. I will be thrilled to report to you once I complete it. All I can tell you it’s a direct result of all the time and commitment to myself that I have invested in this transformation over the last decade. It’s an unquestionable belief in the power within and a resolve to keep bringing the best version of myself to the table - forever. It’s the first crowning glory of any transformation - the time you know it’s for real - this is the dream life and you are present in it, you are living it as you created it. It’s an answer to a calling. I am sure it only gets deeper from here…. With a humble thank you for tuning in. There is great love for you here.
Today’s feeling is humbling gratitude for the entire journey. A reverent bow to the higher intelligence guiding me and the strength it took to truly know that nothing happened to me outside of what I chose to experience. Equipped with the better understanding of my own responsibility in creating the destiny I came here to live, I bravely stepped forward, I dared to follow the dream, I took the lead and the universe responded with fireworks. I came here in this lifetime to help the universe expand and it is my absolute resolve to live in concert with the nature of my being which is light and pure love and to radiate love to the highest degree I have in me at any given moment, to everyone. That is who I am. That is why I am.
Finally getting an invaluable lesson that taking imperfect, inspired, sincere action is greater learning than accumulating knowledge.
My big brother wrote in his book (he was a published writer) “Always do your best. Because when you do your best that is always going to be enough.”
I know he wants me to add this today: Not doing your best is not an option. You have to be all in in life, or don’t bother at all…. For me, doing my best is giving all I have and being all I am. With you here on this plane.
P.S. This is the biggest blessing and the best luck I had: incredible love from incredible beings who are a part of my own soul, called by the wonderful name brother. Inseparable in life and in love. How do you give thanks for that kind of luck, for that magnitude of a blessing? By being the best you can be at any given moment, and giving all you have - always and to all equally. I don’t know and don’t want to know any other way of being.
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