Life Is Too Short To Not Love Where You Live
This is the tenth year for me in this little one-bedroom abode. It has served me and my family so well for its bright outlook and fairly large rooms inside its walls. On that sunny day in September 2010 when I first set my foot into this house, I didn’t have a clue I will actually be moving in on a freezing cold late November, almost December night, that same year. All I knew was that it ticked 9 out of my 11 boxes to check. It was by far the highest-ranking on all accounts of my criteria. It was the garden and this huge glass door in the living room, occupying the entire back wall (facing the garden) - that was whispering to me of its potentials.
I had absolutely no idea that this place will be a witness of some of my family’s happiest moments of togetherness, some of the best gatherings with best of friends, overseas visitors and happy times of creating, growing, laughing and being. I didn’t want to grow roots here, in fact, I am still determined that this is a temporary move, as I sense and know inside my heart that this is not the forever home. But it is our happy home for all these moments in the past 10 years and in this moment that you and I connect on this page, through these words.
Even when I move from here, this place will hold part of the spirit of belonging. The spirit we carry inside ourselves and use it to make a place (a cave, a stable, a house, a castle) an unquestionable home.
For all that it has provided for us, giving us the shelter and the sunny outlook whenever the weather was allowing - I was giving my best to embrace it completely and design its walls with our reflection, infuse its space with our vibrant love.
It won’t do to leave your home unattended, abandoned and starved of your love and attention. Perhaps the fact that I am an interior designer and an artist has given me such an acute awareness of the space in which we live and appreciate life in all its moments and details, but I know that the importance of what I am sharing here extends much further than the reach of the aesthetics alone. It doesn’t need to be a huge investment to turn the house into a dream home, because you never know whether it will be 1 or 2, or 10 years, or if indeed this is the forever home. What matters is that it’s a picture of you, that its elegance matches your personality, that you allow it to inspire you and hold you whenever you return - irrelevant of how long you’ve been away - few hours, or few days.
How is your home supposed to give you back what you never gave to it in the first place? Are you neglecting to really make your home be the best part of your and your family’s life, my friend? You are missing on a lot of magic if you answered Yes right there. I have helped numerous clients and all my friends to turn their home into their own visions. Some have been Victorian revivals in every sense, with rich period colours that we arranged for the 21 century living, and some have been cutting edge modern, but using natural materials throughout - all depending on style preferences, likes and affordability of both time and money. But all have been creative. They called me to the rescue with colour choices and sourcing rugs, furniture and art pieces - but all have embraced the process and accepted the invitation of participating in the designing process, thus learning how to relax, play and match things they love to reflect their own unique style.
I have taught them what I know, and how I live and design. Sure, I applied my professional knowledge to speed up and ease the process, but it was them who seized the opportunity before them and truly worked with me to help them bring their vision of a dream home to life. As I said, whether this is our temporary home or our grandfather’s place we are renovating - if it is our home at this moment in time - we owe ourselves to make it shine with love.
Imagine waking up to each new day with a smile, or coming home and instantly smiling to yourself: Do I really live in this lovely place?
If only I could show each and every one of you how easily that can be you only a few short weeks from now!
If this post has made you rethink about where you live, and what exactly is the story of your home, is it making you happy or frustrated - then don’t just sit there and suffer any longer in silence. Reach out. I am here and I can help in so many ways. But it starts with you wanting your dreams and not merely settling for second best in your life…. That, my friend, is your call.
* * * The Exclusive Update – 178 Days to Dream * * * *
Read the original post 365 Days to Dream Challenge right here*
The joys of entrepreneurship are truly endless. You get to learn and expand your horizons on a daily basis. I never had that luxury and experience when I was in the corporate job, for no matter how much I was promised I could grow, there were always stops applied at a certain level beyond which my manager felt uncomfortable with the rate of my expansion. And no matter how much I was compensated in pay rise - it never satisfied my hunger, and need to have no ceiling above my head. My spirit did not fit within the constraints of a paid job, and it suffered. The longer I stayed there, the more aware of this I was. I am grateful to be out of that and to be really living from the state of constant joy for learning new things and incorporating them in the ever newer versions of myself, improving in small but constant increments. They are measurable and visible to me from week to week. Imagine that, my friend. If you ever feel that you are made to play small, please look for a way out. It’s a way of your soul telling you that you need to pay attention to the expansion you came here to effect and contribute to.
I am sure you will be able to guess that today’s feeling of appreciation is flowing through every part of me. These days I am able to accomplish even more than I can imagine, and that always makes me feel the love and gratitude radiating from my heart and soul. I am grateful to be alive and present here at this very moment, and I thank you for being here with me and for keeping your heart open, dear friend. The messages we exchange are written by the same hand….
Slightly holding my breath in front of the wonders that keep unfolding. Fasten your seatbelt, and make sure you’re ready, my friend. If you thought things were moving fast, we were just warming the old engine up….
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