Facts About Success


Facts About Success

If Your Standard Is Mediocre - What Will Be The Result?

Wednesday is Business Series
Post 22

Post written by Katarina Miletic - Join I&V Written 

What are the real questions we should be asking ourselves if we want to start our own business, and furthermore - if we want it to be successful?

For the sake of clarity, I don’t see the point of starting anything (a business, any type of a relationship or partnership, or any endeavour for that matter) without wanting it to work out in the best possible way for everyone involved - so the only subject here will be the need to ask and answer these questions for ourselves in view of it succeeding all the way.

When you invest half of your energy in something, what do you think the result will be? Will you be able to invest one part of you, and keep the other part separate and content with non-action and non-involvement on the subject? Why would you even consider attempting something as ridiculous as that? When we look at it with analytical awareness - we can see the stupidity of that construct, yet often we do exactly the above in life!

Let’s, instead, take a moment to unplug and step back from the downward spiral or status quo - admitting to ourselves where the starting position is. And how much we are willing to commit.

According to recent studies, 60% of businesses started will fold within three years. Do you really want to be one of those? I would bet that you don’t, and I am sure that the ones who did end up as the staggering statistic within those 60% didn’t want it either.

See what I mean about the importance of asking yourself the real questions - and being prepared for what comes afterwards?

I will tell you the truth about my story. I was lucky (and extremely grateful for it) to not have more than a handful of options, plus I had no time to make it a long decision process. I lost a well paid corporate job, and although I didn’t plan it to be a swift A or B choice - I asked myself: Do you want to go back to something similar and crush your soul, stand on your dream literally every day, but tell yourself: ‘One day I will have time for art in my life, again.’ OR Do you want to be the decision maker in your life and business - and do everything it takes to make it work? 

I chose the latter, as you know - and I have never looked back. In fact, I can even show you the physical difference that you can see and hear for yourself in this video I shared in the latest episode of This is Your Moment podcast (over on YouTube), called The Story of 2 Choices - by clicking right here.  

Unless you want to be in that 60% of those whose business fails, you have to turn to the most real part of you and have an honest conversation.

Was this the easiest 2.5 years of my life? Probably not, but it was the best 2.5 years of my life hands down.

I understood the enormity of the decision once I set out on this path, and I embraced it with everything I had inside me. And the only reason I am writing this to you today is because I want you to know that this is possible for you. I want you to feel that your potential is in your hands and that you are one right decision away from stepping onto the path of that 40% of business owners who are really prepared to put their heart and soul into service - which is the only way to succeed in business. Only when ‘what you do’ becomes 'what you do for others’ will it start paying off in big ways, in opportunities, in clarity, in results for them and for you. Isn’t it beautiful how that works?

Don’t, even for a single second, buy into believing that success is an event. Success is a commitment, a series of predictable action steps and habits, something that you practice first and live before you can tell the tale of it. Success is the road less travelled. Success is a process - and when you do it right it rewards you with confirmations of your life aligned with the greatest purpose there is. 

Do you think those top athletes could have reached their results without both physical and mental discipline - a standard they chose and decided to stick with it through pain and sweat we cannot imagine?

Absolutely not, right?

Then ask yourself this: Do you think that successful entrepreneurs could achieve and realise the most incredible parts of their vision without the same mental and physical discipline they uphold as their standard of being? Only within that framework, you will have the absolute freedom to play, fly and quantum leap. Simply put, those who aren’t ready to hold themselves to the highest standard will never come close to their dreams. Because the dreams are the potential we sense we have, the role we came here to play on this stage - in this here lifetime - it’s the very promise our soul made before it was born together with us into this body. 

There is a difference between playing with life and playing in life. Only the wise know this. 

So, right now, YOU have two choices:

If you know that you are ready and want to have a chat about how to come up with the most important questions to ask yourself in life, and especially if you are thinking of stepping into entrepreneurship, send me an email just saying: FACTS ABOUT SUCCESS, or do nothing and wait for that perfect day to come. Either way, this is never up to me. That is your choice, my friend. 

P.S. When you email me, you will receive a completely no-obligation whatsoever, FREE 30 minute clarity and strategy consultation with me. Just because I have been where you are and I know I can help you. This is my gift to you. 

KM in Arundel by  Antonije De Souza

* * * * The Exclusive Update – 125 Days to Dream * * * * 


Unbelievable, but so true: when we say ‘one year’ it seems like a long time, and a lot can be achieved in that time. But the fact remains that no matter whether we do something amazing, or not - the time is sure to go. And fast, for that matter. 

Just an observation regarding the 125 Days to Dream challenge. This year has definitely brought brilliant opportunities to go within and search for the answers, really hear the inner guidance and embrace it. For that I am immensely grateful. On the other hand, it has also brought certain restrictions that were unwanted and unplanned, but we have learned to adapt. Those that we could modify - we did, and those that were non-negotiable - we did not. We found another way around them. Even more gratitude comes from that.


The feeling of today is a powerful focus on this moment. Being here and now never seemed more complete, more perfect. 


And if you thought the two points above are already deep, I can tell you that what comes out in number 3 section (which highlights things that are coming up, things ‘in the making’ as we speak) - is by far always incredibly humbling because it is that big. The plans and what is being created right now includes all of the inspiration, all the connection and alignment. It’s made of love and light, entirely. And it is coming to meet you in abundance. Take a breath!

Remember – You Are Safe Here

This is the sacred place between our souls. Thank you for sharing your visions, dreams, and ideas. Your courage to be seen will always be respected, and you will be treated with nothing but kindness and compassion. ♡

P.S. Even if this is the only action you take, watch this video now.
