Happiness Self Taught


Happiness Self Taught

If we magnified blessings as much as we magnify disappointments, we would all be much happier.

John Wooden

Post written by Katarina Miletic - Join I&V Written 

Nothing is more attractive, nor does a soul shine brighter than when the heart is filled with the pure joy of being alive, here and now.

Let’s consider the levels of happiness for a moment, and understand that this article’s subject is only the deepest state of joy we can experience in a lifetime. I am not talking about any temporary feeling of excitement that changes the next day when the effects of whatever caused it expire or fade away, but a state of being which is resonant with the purest qualities of peace and harmony. One is quick as lightning, the other one sustained indefinitely.

This state is very much a deliberate choice, rather than the result of a chance or circumstance. Your happiness is designed, my friend. And it is designed by none other than you.

Once you grasp that you cannot make other selves happy no more than they can make you happy, then perhaps it will be somewhat easier to accept the responsibility for your own state of being, and recognise the possibility, of being an architect of infinite bliss. For those interested in the advanced level of spirituality, I could even take it a step further and say that all you need to do is not stand in the way of bliss that is naturally present inside your being, but those who identify with the belief that life is suffering and/or effort and hard work - will have a considerably larger task ahead of them.

I just want you to know that it is possible for you, and that it is as easy as you allow it to be.

In a nutshell, what is happiness in the most practical terms? It’s aligning with the thoughts, focus and beliefs that serve you in the best way. Those three elements are your crucial formula for happiness.

Please note (if you don’t take anything else from this writing, please remember) that you have complete control over those three elements. You alone are holding the keys to your happiness in your hands.

At this very moment you can choose any thought that will make you feel better. 

At this very moment you can choose to focus on the blessings in your life.

At this very moment you can identify a belief that is not serving you and pick a belief that does.

Do you see that happiness is in the choices you are making moment by moment?

Should you want to shortcut your way to happiness, become grateful. A grateful heart is full of joy. A grateful heart is happy because it appreciates everything in its experience and it does not take any of it for granted. 

Make a choice to be a blessing in this world. To give without asking for anything in return. To be the light of love, because you are and nothing else is going to make you happier than that. 

KM in Arundel by  Antonije De Souza

* * * * The Exclusive Update – 117 Days to Dream * * * * 


The work on self, my friend, never ever stops. The very blessing of seeing new dawn is a new gift and a new responsibility to tirelessly build another stone into the castle of one’s life. No one will ever hold you to your word but you yourself. Ultimately, it’s no one’s job to keep you on the straight and narrow but your own. That is the very reason for it being the path less chosen. All I can say is that the rewards of being on that path are many. The blessings by far outweigh and outlast the challenges and the realisation that each challenge is only the opportunity to shine brighter, to become a more complete, better version of self. With that awareness how can one ever choose anything else?

Having said that, sometimes those challenges compound, but you put your head down. The humble faith grounds you in knowing that you have overcome and learned everything you ever encountered before - and this time is no different, only bigger, more serious - it’s calling for you to be MORE of who you are. And you smile and bow your head and say: Thank you for blessing me with your love, God. 


One feeling puts every other in perspective in this moment: gratitude. Heart completely soaked and heavy with gratitude. Thank you, once again. For it isn’t mine to know how, but to trust that with You guiding me from within, I can go all the way.


For those who still wonder, 365 Days to Dream is a challenge that has already been fulfilled inside my heart. On 10 March 2020 I started this home renovation project thinking it was about transforming my home, but just a few months down the line it became completely clear that I was on the road to transforming myself and the home project was a bonus and a byproduct of a much bigger picture, one that I didn’t see at the start line, but one I intend to capture and celebrate with you at the finish line, for sure. Thank you for being here with me, my friend. I wish you equal success in all your challenges.

Remember – You Are Safe Here

This is the sacred place between our souls. Thank you for sharing your visions, dreams, and ideas. Your courage to be seen will always be respected, and you will be treated with nothing but kindness and compassion. ♡
