How To Improve Your Conversations With Self


How To Improve Your Conversations

With Self

The only thing even in this world is the number of hours in a day. The difference in winning or losing is what you do with those hours.

Woody Hayes

Post written by Katarina Miletic - Join I&V Written 

Yes, I can help you reconnect with the highest spirit inside your being.

The reason for my absolute confidence in saying that is because I was able to help myself in every shocking and heartbreaking situation arising in my experience. 

I used every part of it as awakening, as my personal invitation from God to awaken to the deepest truth I could reach at that moment. 

Was it easy? I promise you that it wasn’t, but at no point was I letting the illusion that someone else can fix and hold it for me, interfere with the soul work I need to be doing myself. 

Did I have people in my life? Of course. Their love and presence were invaluable because I was doing the work of putting back the pieces of my life and looking for new pieces to fit in the places yet to be developed. That work will never ever seize. But because I was able to give them pure love, that is the exact same thing they were reflecting back to me. 

At the time when my soul was in the darkest and scariest place it has ever been - I worked at four voluntary jobs. My focus was not on ‘why me, poor me or this is not fair’ but on ‘while I figure this out for myself, let me give where help is needed’. It was an instinct much more than a thought, please understand that. 

So, going back to the point of reflecting back - one of those jobs was in a dementia care home (where my work was recognised and I was asked to join the team as the activities co-ordinator). Those friends I looked after will forever hold my heart. For example, a 93 year old lady would tell me: ‘Love, you always have a bright smile on your face, but your eyes tell another story.’ There is no place to hide in front of such honesty, but to be completely honest with yourself. And you have to be brave enough to look into the mirror inside you and, with compassion, start fixing the broken pieces of self. 

I am so grateful for all five years of proximity with those kind souls, because trust me: no matter how much I was giving them each and every moment (never NOT BEING PRESENT when I am with them) - they always left me at the end of each day with a feeling that what I received in return was 10 times more rewarding. So, the next day I gave them even more! And it continued. I felt my heart and soul being whole once again.

And if you think you can help someone who doesn’t want to help themselves - you are interfering with something that simply isn’t in your power of influence. You can still be the light of love, and hold the space of forgiveness, peace, alignment (your own), but that is as far as you can go. Saving your soul so that it is steady and unwavering in love for every other self who needs to see your example so that they can find and reconnect to the power within themselves - that is your work. That is what you should be doing day to day and moment to moment. And in and of itself it’s enough for a lifetime of work, don’t you think?

Unless you are letting the light of universal love shine through your soul, you don’t have anything of true value (for them) to offer to anyone anyway. 

P.S. It starts (and never stops) with you.

KM in Arundel by  Antonije De Souza

* * * * The Exclusive Update – 116 Days to Dream * * * * 


Very early this morning I took one of those biggest leaps of faith. The best decisions you can make in life are those where you cannot possibly see the outcome, but nonetheless - you absolutely know the outcome deep inside your heart. When every part of you feels aligned with the decision you made - that is the place of co-creation with the universe. With the highest self giving you the nod and saying: I knew you’d get it!


Today’s feeling is a quiet reverence. Sometimes the soul needs the silence of the universe. Its magic is full of vibrational fireworks and today I am grateful to receive its wisdom and guidance, as well as its infinite comforting love. Amazingly, that’s quite enough for this 13 November 2020 to be the best day of this year so far. I smile in anticipation of the days ahead of us, my friend. 


The past few weeks have swept across hurricane style. And, much like in nature, so inside us, the calm allows us the chance to take a deep breath and see how far we’ve come. Moments of stillness inspire us to take account of the journey so far, in celebration - and to brace for the journey ahead - with joyful expectance. 

Remember – You Are Safe Here

This is the sacred place between our souls. Thank you for sharing your visions, dreams, and ideas. Your courage to be seen will always be respected, and you will be treated with nothing but kindness and compassion. ♡
